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Does diet effect hair growth/loss?


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Yes affect.when your body is deficient in nutrients it will cut off the supply of nutrients to nails and hair so they will weaken.

Some sources:






Being malnourished and stressed and contribute to hair loss from a super basic perspective, being well fed can get hair growth back to normal.

I don’t know what foods affect growth speed and quality while it’s at it though.


Anecdotal, but I go through periods of having access to better food and then only very basic staples, and when I eat better (more than basic cheap staples) my hair grows noticeably faster. I also lose less hair when brushing it and showering, so that’s seemingly affecting some kind of “life cycle” of each hair along with enhancing growth.


I went through a period of unhealthy dieting for around a year from which my body and relationship with food is still recovering. Before restricting my calories, I had very very thick hair- it was hard to tie it in more than two loops. After a few months of dieting though, my hair started thinning, then drastically falling out in clumps. Every time I went to the hairdresser’s, she’d say my hair had thinned even more than the last time I’d come and that I’d have to do something about it.

So yes, dieting definitely can affect hair growth and cause you to lose hair. However, I think if you’re losing weight healthily and slowly, and getting in all the required nutrients your body needs (especially protein and fat, which is essential for hair- although carbs are equally as important, just for other functions), your hair won’t be affected

Just anecdotal experiences though


I can tell you that I started taking prenatals about 6 months ago when my husband and I started trying for a baby and I have had tons of new hair growth on my temples where it was the thinnest before. I know it’s not from pregnancy itself because I noticed this before I became pregnant. Not sure if it’s the folic acid or something else.

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Categories: weak nutrition stress healthy diet recover calories losing weight carbs