Hey guys :)
So i made an interesting observation…
I usually fast for about 12 to 13 hours per day, and then eat one good/normal sized lunch.
But once per week i have a cheat day, where i will maybe eat like 3 nutella toasts or last week i finished a box of pop tards.
My goal is to reach 59 kg, and i’m at 65 right now.
Now usually i make kind of ok progress, but lately i figured out that the day after my cheat day, in the morning i am very very hungry, like my body is burning calories faster than normal.
And last week when i weighed myself before i ate the evening after my cheat day, i lost 2 kg just like that?
Am i onto something, or is this just coincidence?
Either way this probably doesn’t mean i can start slaughtering pop tards all day lol
Sugar and carbs always make you crave more sugar and carbs.
Protein, however, requires more calories to break down and keeps you feeling more satiated longer.
Per Harvard: https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/extra-protein-is-a-decent-dietary-choice-but-dont-overdo-it-201305016145