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Double the benefits of water fasting?

Recently saw a post on this sub saying that relatively 1 day of dry fasting would be equal to 2 days of water fasting. Is this true?

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Take it with a grain of salt. People say it because they heard someone else say it. I believe that subjectivity is very important when it comes to health, that’s what pointed me towards dry fasting: it just feels better, and it feels easier. But, the science isn’t really there (yet?). From what I’ve read (admittedly haven’t looked too hard :p) the science says it’s not as dangerous as people say, again an issue of people repeating what they’ve heard without evidence. Repetition gives the illusion of fact, works for what’s true and what isn’t. Makes learning difficult!

And, I’ll get into some trouble for this, but there seems to be only one authority on dry fasting, and that’s also dangerous. Without consensus, you basically have a cult leader saying “trust me”, and this place can get a skidge cultish … just like every single health related subreddit! There’s a lot of tinfoil hats around here, but I still like dryfasting and would encourage people experimenting with it. Try dry fasting carefully, listen to your body, and be well friend! It’s okay to push yourself a little but not a lot, warning signals can be delayed and come too late, so you always need to be strong enough to pick yourself up if you fall - literally and figuratively!


I can only speak from experience. My longest dry fast was 72 hours. Each time I dry fasted, I suffered no ill effects, nor did I become thirsty. My mouth got dry which was mildly annoying, but that was it. The first time I dry fasted, it cured the warts on my right foot.

If it cures warts, what else will it do?


1 day of dry fasting is equal to 3 days of water fasting.

I recommend reading Dr Filinov’s books as he is the expert in the field.

Dry fasting is actually easier in terms of appetite as the body switches to ketosis much faster. However, the healing is more intense. Do not exercise during dry fasting.


Personal Experience:

Dry fasting is easier than water fasting as my hunger and energy are more stable.

Extra benefits - meh. I didn’t notice any. The weight loss isn’t fat. I dropped a lot of lbs and watched them all come back during my refeed. It was also harder not to overeat when I wasn’t fasting.

Downside: I got lightheaded and almost passed out from low blood pressure. I also got nasty constipation and hemorrhoids after breaking my fast which took months to recover from.

In hindsight, I’d rather do zerocarb/carnivore with short (1-2) fasts than go long term dry again.

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