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electrolytes every morning

Are there any health ramifications with having an electrolyte drink every morning like liquid IV? Things like kidney stones?

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If you’re properly hydrated, no.

If you’re dehydrated, a glass of water with a pinch of salt will do the same thing. But if you like liquid IV, have at it. It likely won’t hurt anything other than your bank account. 😉


If you are drinking tap water (even if its via a faucet or fridge filter) you are very unlikely to receive any benefits from the added electrolytes (tap water already contains dissolved minerals) and you are bumping your sodium for no reason. Very few people have a problem with too little sodium, too little potassium is a much larger issue. Chronic dehydration is also a larger issue as most people don’t drink enough water, you want your pee to be nearly clear and visiting the bathroom 6-8 times a day. Skip the electrolyte powder and just have a big glass of water to start your day.

If you google “water quality report <your city>” you will likely see a recent lab analysis of what your water contains as most states require constant water monitoring & publication of results if you are curious. Some of them are more complete then others.

The only reason to add electrolytes to water is if you are sweating lots (EG working out, playing sports etc) or live on a filtered system where all the minerals are removed, otherwise you will be getting enough from your food (assuming a balanced diet) & tap water.

If you have a problem with electrolytes your body will let you know. Imagine the worst pain you have ever had in your life, double it and then imagine it as a muscle cramp. Electrolytes are super important to add to water if you are going to be sweating lots (particularly if that’s outside in the summer where your sweating wont be efficient) but pretty pointless elsewhere. Save yourself some money :)

Also FYI most of the low calorie drink mixes (like crystal light) use many of the minerals electrolyte powders contain as preservatives but cost a fraction of the price. I typically opt for some delicious lemonade power rather than liquid iv when I need it.


Hypertension? You are just adding more salts to your diet. Most diets get plenty of sodium already from highly processed foods. Why do you think you need to supplement with an ORS? Are you doing a ton a distance work and sweating or working long hours outside in the heat (construction/landscaping)? If not, you likely don’t need the extra salts and the increased retention of fluid and extra blood volume could actually contribute to hypertension.


If you are on certain medications it can affect how your body absorbs the med. Take lithium for example drinking electrolytes is essential, having a high buffer of sodium and potassium in your blood often means you can tolerate a larger dose and rapidly reducing your electrolytes from heat stress or exercise can be dangerous, keeping your electrolytes up on a daily basis protects against daily ups and downs.

Just try and keep it sugar free, Propel, Gatorade zero are cheap and easily available.


Electrolyte loss happens due to sweating from exercise sessions of 60 minutes or more (some research says 90 minutes or more). You probably don’t sweat that much overnight whilst sleeping, so you don’t need to replenish. Electrolyte drinks are also high in sugar, which is useful for helping your body to absorb the electrolytes, but consider them like soda if you don’t actually need them. And it is possible to spike electrolyte levels with harmful results, e.g. potassium if you drink too much coconut water. Just Drink Water.

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