| | Water Fasting

Fat fasting or water fasting any difference??

I do a lot of IF (16/8 and 24) and most of time eat LCHF or even KETO.. When I do IF I like me some MCT or coconut oil in my coffee (read: BULLETPROOF).. I heard an interview with Jason Fung (I think the bulletproof podcast) where he stated that you get all most the same benefits from fasting even though you consume the oils above.. What’s your take on this.. Is it true?? Cause then a longer fast which I haven’t done yet will be a hell of a lot easier..

posted on intermittent fasting also..

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I think you would just lose out on the autophagy process that happens during a pure water fast and no intake of food for an extended period of time. From a pure ketosis standpoint bulletproof coffee will probably just shortly take you down from 3-4 mm ketones of a pure water fast (no food intake period) into the .3-.4 mm which is still considered nutritional ketosis.

Are you fasting to lose weight or fasting for disease prevention should probably be your biggest question. If you want to cut weight the bulletproof coffee will not hinder you, if you want the benefits of autophagy in terms of free radical elimination and destroying old ineffective cell organelles, stick to a pure water fast.

If you’re already fat adapted, which according to your first sentence I am guessing you are, you should have no problem skipping the BFC as your body goes into deep ketosis of 3.0 +mm of ketones surging through your body and the norepinephrine that is going to start to be release around day 2-3. As long as you have sufficient body fat to sustain deep ketosis your energy should be soaring on a pure water fast after day 2-3.


I think it’s basically avoiding carbs allows your body to basically stay in fasting mode more or less. Your eating a small amount of calories, but it’s all fat, nothing to convert to glucose, so you stay in fat burning mode.

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Categories: fat fast water fasting keto oil coffee jason fung intermittent fasting water fast ketosis nutrition lose weight body fat energy carbs calories glucose