| | Water Fasting

Feeling annoyed and put off. SW: 178lbs, CW: 152lbs, GW: 135lbs. 5ft5 female.

I made a post recently that my weight has plateaued so I started to fast more. For about 4 days now I’ve only eaten dinner, and done just fluids. So I’ll eat dinner only with dessert between 4-6:30, but no movement whatsoever in weight.

Is it too soon? Felt like the weight just poured off before the plateau and now I can’t eve drop half a pound. I know people said in my last post that as you lose weight you require less calories, do I need even less?

My meals aren’t super health food, but I know that’s not sustainable for me so I’m being realistic in terms of what I’ll stick to for food choices. Like last night was mash, sausage (plant based,) and beans. Afterwards some left over birthday cake lol. When I write it out, that sounds like my problem, but I am vegetarian and I don’t really eat much of these things, portion wise.

I do drink a couple of coffees a day, and I drink them with oat milk, is that considered breaking the fast? I’m still relatively new to all the rules and things.

I’d love advice on what you think. Thanks for reading and for any input.

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How long have you been IF for? How old are you?

It took me 2 years to lose all the weight I wanted. There were many times where I would hold in a range for a period before going back down. Weight loss isn’t linear and you have to be very careful to think that what you see in a period will continue in that way. Many people will see initial weight loss but then that slows down or levels off. Understand that much of the initial weight might not be actual weight but water weight and other changes because of the diet change. What people do is try and force the weight to coninue coming off by cutting more aggressive, working out more etc. This could lead to bigger issue for many reasons depending on how much you are cutting or the defcit you are in.

There is no really quick method to do this. Real weight loss take time. If you are sure that your calories are in a deficit, then you might just need more time to get there. It is why you have to be careful with how you use a scale. Fixating too much on it can lead to frustration because you expected something to happen that doesn’t. I think that people weigh themselves far too much especially near the start. Daily isn’t necessary. Even weekly won’t show much except data points to look back at and see a longer trend line. But obsessing that you are up 2 pounds from the week before will likely mean pushing when all you have to do is just continue what you have been doing. But again, make sure you are still in an actual calorie deficit. If you are I would just keep my head down and keep plugging away as. You have shown that what you’re doing works. Now it is just about long term consistency.


Yes, oat milk not only breaks your fast, but of all the non-dairy milk alternatives, oat milk has the worst impact on your glucose levels (even if “unsweetened”). This is because oat milk contains maltose, a simple sugar with a higher glycemic index (105) than glucose.

Better options would be almond milk, coconut milk, pea milk (but not rice milk).

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