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For those of you that drink, how do you factor in alcohol while doing OMAD ?

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I love beer. But beer also makes me fat.

Through IF I’ve learned two things. Don’t keep beer at home and I can still have beer. I save it for the weekend, go to a favorite brewery, enjoy ab amazing meal and a couple beers. That’s my OMAD for that day. Then back to it.


I’m on 125 omads and 225 fasting days total. When I started I drank mostly at sporting events and when friends or family came over. Never crazy amounts but for sure would get drunk or tipsy at some games.

I’ve basically quit drinking at this point because it makes me feel like shit after fasting for so long. My body is kind of rejecting it. I will have a beer maybe twice a month now at a hockey game with food but I can’t actually drink more.


I have 1-2 drinks a week during my eating period, and some weeks not at all. I enjoy an occasional craft beer, but it’s empty calories, so I keep it to a minimum.

Be aware that your tolerance may go way down on OMAD. If you drink in your eating period, start with one drink only, wait an hour, and see how it affects you.


I used to drink significantly/often. I started IF 1 month ago, and by my third week I decided to OMAD. My body became used to eating around 4:30pm (my eating window has been 4-9pm for the most part so far). If I plan on drinking that day I have my OMAD and drink \~3 hrs after. I feel like this way my body has had some time to make use of the nutrients I gave it. :P After which, maybe I’ll have a few drinks over the following hour but refraining from eating after that and consistently drinking more water than the alcohol I’m taking in. Drinks of choice: vodka, red wine.

The goal of my IF is weight loss and since Dec. 21, 2021 I’ve lost 11 lbs.


You cant make drinking a habitual thing in your life. It has to be a once a week, or maybe weekend thing. And it probably shouldn’t even be every weekend. I found it almost always leads to overeating that day and probably the next.


It really depends on what kind of alcohol you’re drinking and how much of it. If it’s packed with calories or sugar I’d say it’s pretty clear that it’s not helpful. Light beers, dry/semi-dry wines, and non-flavored liquors are totally okay IN MODERATION. I live in Kentucky and love a good Old Fashioned, and I’ll have about 4-5 a week to conclude my eating period (currently in between a 16:8-18:6). As long as the calories fit in your deficit and you don’t drink right before bed, you’ll be FINE 😄.


Most alcohol is like drinking a coke. How easily can you fit a coke into your daily intake? I can’t without feeling super hungry later. Alcohol is for special occasions.

Alcohol is also straight up poison. Seriously consider quitting.


I try to drink within my eating window. I choose no sugar, low calorie drinks but still will enjoy wine if I want. Been IF for almost a month, still loosing, still feeling strong. If I want a drink with family or friends I do it - I might just adjust my eating window the next day to ensure a full 16 or 18 hours after the drinks. I consider alcohol like junk food, its not all the time but if I want it Im not going to be super restrictive otherwise it wont be sustainable for me.


I’ve been experimenting with non-alcoholic alternatives in order to still enjoy the flavors and ritual, but with fewer calories and without having alcohol since my eating window is mostly during working hours.

Lagunitas IPNA has decent flavor, but I really like their Hoppy Refresher which is 0 calories.

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Categories: alcohol omad beer tips shit calories eating window weight loss habit sugar deficit