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had a very rough couple weeks (with a positive outcome)

So I posted a few weeks back saying how excited I was to finally get below 90kg (which was my first goal) and how motivated I was to get to 85 and then 80. But I added some difficulty to it as that’s what I tend to do when I see some success and it really ended up putting me in a bad place. I stopped going to the gym, I stopped eating healthy, all these excuses kept coming up, and I ended up in a very dark place mentally, which resulted in me spending my 3 days off this and last week just lying in bed doing nothing but watch bad movies and sleep.

It hit a peak yesterday and I ended up messaging one of my friends who is a life coach and just asking, what the hell do I do. And we talked about what it is exactly that’s got me feeling like this, why I’m pissed off and how it’s affecting me. And they helped me turn it around.

I weighed myself this morning for the first time in two weeks, 90.7kg. So I gained a little but I’ve managed to keep most of it off. I started again yesterday with the IF and CICO (cos it works let’s be honest) and I’m already feeling far better. I’ll even be going to the gym after work tonight.

Y’all don’t ever feel ashamed to ask someone for help if you’re not doing ok, sometimes we need that little bit of a reminder that we’re human and fallibility is normal.

Keep up the good work 🤟❤️

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It’s so good to talk to someone supportive and understanding when we’re in that type of mental spaces! And hope you’re not too hard on yourself after seeing more results. It’s much better to be consistent even if it does take a bit more patience that you may have at the time. Still much better to wait slightly longer than trying to go too hard too soon, as it more often than not ends up backfiring.

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