I don’t know if this is going to help me but I started this year highly motivated. I was fasting every week for over 180hrs in total. If you saw me you would know that’s not extreme at all. I took a one day break cuz I was getting vaccinated and I had tummy pain a day before my vacc date and now I can’t seem to start back again. I said I’d start after the weekend but it’s Wednesday and I can’t seem to stop eating like a chipmunk. I’m damaging all the work I did since the year started and I know, but it’s not stopping me. I don’t know if anything can help me from here but I’m desperate and I want to start today. Please fam, help a sister out!!
My only advice is to try keep to a keto diet as it is something that works for me.
When on keto I have zero interest in anything with sugar in it so problem foods are no longer a problem. It will also have the added benefit of helping you transition into fasting again maybe just do a few 24’s first.
I’m surprise the automod didn’t post it’s “no fasting 2 weeks after vaccine” thing.
Edit: sorry that’s not helpful. allegedly your body does need the extra nutrients to build strong antibodies after the jab. Yada yada I was/am sceptical, but after the post-jab sickness wore off, I was a ravenous beast for a few days after getting mine.And chin up chipmunk! We’ve all been right where you are. Struggling to fast again after a solid streak and beating ourselves up because we feel like a failure. Well you’re not a failure. Give yourself some grace. It’s not a sprint. Fasting burn out is real.