| | Water Fasting

Hour 265 of 14 day fast

Hi guys, day 11 now.

Definitely deep in this fast… I’m running cold all the time, and I also live in Canada, so yeah… You’ll likely find me these days having another hot bath or under my heated blanket.

I find myself going to bed now in full sweatpants and sweatshirt. I hate wearing clothes to bed, but it’s a necessity now.

I’m noticing some leaning out of my stomach and torso in general. My collarbones are more pronounced. My wedding ring is getting looser. My stomach is very flat in the mornings.

My only cravings for food is soup. I make really hearty soups and stews and I miss them so much, especially in this weather. Plus it was always a nice way of spending a Fall afternoon, making soup from scratch. So that’s what I would probably be doing today if not for the fasting..

I’ve decided that this fast is going to be open-ended. I don’t foresee me stopping at 14 days. I now have no goal date. I’m going to decide every day whether to prolong it or not. If I had an end date goal, it would probably be Dec 23rd. That would be another 14 days on top of my 11 currently. So a 25 day fast.

But I’m putting no pressure on myself. I don’t have anything to prove. I just feel lucky that my fast is going well and my body is cooperating. It’ll be so nice going into the holidays feeling lean and seeing family and not feeling self-conscious. I always used to hate that. In the past, I’d spend the month of December in a food free-for-all and by the time Christmas came, I’d feel so uncomfortable in my too tight holiday clothes. I hated it.

This year will be much nicer. I have no idea what I weigh and although I’m curious, it’s not important right now. Just going to keep my head down and keep fasting, one day at a time. I have no doubt that whenever I decide to stop, I’ll be very happy with the results.

Happy fasting day đź‘Ť.

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In 2 hours I will officially be at a week. It’s been up and down but so happy I’m finally doing this. I said it last time but thanks for these posts. Good to know my comrades are out there and I’m not alone


You’re doing great. So impressive.

You probably know this but refeeding can be really dangerous after a long fast like this.

I’m sure you’re aware of that. Just stopping two days before Christmas and eating again may be tricky.


I’m trying to build my way past 72 hours but day 3 I’m always super nauseous….any tips for beating that? I’m 5’11 about 200lbs…want to get shredded so need to get down to around 165/170 I’m guessing


Be careful. This is a long fast and safety is priority. We’re meant to go no longer than 3 days without food. Great job though. I do applaud your commitment. I want you to come out of this healthy and better for it.

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Categories: 14 day fast stomach morning heart 5 day fast holidays refeeding tips