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How has fasting reversed or improved your health?

You get older, then you really start wanting to learn more about your body.

Can’t help but feel that what can’t be healed or reversed is just not natural of this Earth. Or, I fear the answers to our health are hiding in plain sight.

Assuming there rlly aren’t cures yet for certain illnesses, I think there’s just not enough ppl searching for answers… So, we experiment on ourselves with alternative medicine such as fasting and other things. And these things are frowned upon by the pharma industry bc we have grown tired of waiting on them to supply the cures & medical solutions that we need. Some of us want resolution while we’re alive to experience it.

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I have a rare, progressive and incurable genetic disease. Five years ago I was on long term disability. Today I am working full time, in the best health of my life and take no meds. I do my own research and apply lifestyle interventions that improve my condition. I am now a published author in a medical journal and have prepared two abstracts that have been presented at international conferences. I did not follow my doctor’s advice because there is no treatment or cure for my condition, so they have. no advice to give. I use fasting daily and do quarterly four day water fasts. When I eat, I eat a very low carb diet of real food, primarily animal based. I avoid seed oils and ultra processed foods and do a lot of my own cooking from scratch. I don’t drink alcohol or smoke and lift heavy 4 x week. I lost over 80 pounds and went from a diagnosis of prediabetes to excellent health during this time.

I am a 58 yo woman doing everything in my power to avoid chronic disease and medications. I document all that I do, and give all the data to my specialists. Everything I have done has been against the wishes of my physicians who are more concerned with liability issues than in managing my health, IMHO. May not be the solution for everyone but it’s what has worked best for me.


It has improved my mental health in regards to my association with food. It helped me become more comfortable with the feeling of being hungry. It also gives me a feeling of control of my life.

I’m not sure about the pharma industry, but the food industry obviously wouldn’t support fasting. They want us to eat more, not less.


No more heartburn, no more heartburn medications. (At one point, it was so bad that it was damaging my vocal chords, to the point where there was blood in my spit.)

Less visceral fat.

Weight, blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar levels, etc all back to normal, after years of slowly worsening.


Lost 95lbs, gave me raging hormones, and maxed out my endurance stats. (did a 45 km walk in a 24hr dry fasted state this December) Also, stopped my myopia from getting worse, now I just have to reverse it.

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