I was wondering if there were any diabetic intermittent fasting doers here and if so if they could give me tips on how to keep my blood sugar from getting to low and ill just take IF tips in general...
when i started IF, i was solidly pre-diabetic...my a1c was 6.5. my father, one of his brothers, and their father all had diabetes and i did NOT want to go the same way. it wasn't the primary factor...
Now I'm more confused than ever https://www.healthline.com/health-news/skipping-breakfast-can-increase-your-risk-for-type-2-diabetes Perhaps the study didn't mention the sleeping patterns of those who skipped breakfast?
Let’s say a type 2 diabetic on insulin decides to fast. He stops taking insulin altogether. Can his blood sugar drop too low? Or is hypoglycemia only an issue for type 1 diabetics?
I have been controlling my type 2 diabetes through intermittent fasting. I have lost over 35 lbs since October’22 and lowered my glucose to an average of 98. I still have 10-12 pounds to lose to reach my BMI. ...
22 (F). CW - 81 kg. I recently got diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and I need to lose a lot of weight and clean my diet. I haven't gotten word from a certified nutritionist but I asked my doctor and...
I’ve been intermittent fasting for a few months and have done a few extended fasts of 2-3 days. I’ve been wanting to do an extended 10+ day fast for awhile now and just started it today. My concern is regarding...
So I did IF back in 2018 and it work amazing for when from 280 to 200 in 2-3 months and working out, but i wasn't diabetic at the time and I want to get back on it, but now...
I've been doing IF for some time, and now up to doing 20/4 OMAD, and it is working great. I have a friend who is probably 70 lbs. overweight and is interested, but has Type 2 diabetes. He is thinking...
How can fasting help type 1 diabetes, considering (from what big pharma has said) our insulin cells are not “capable” of being remade. Thank you
Hi all, I recently re-started IF after taking a break and I also just got a continuous glucose monitor. I always knew I had an issue with the "Dawn Phenomenon" when my blood sugar rises at night...
I've been doing some remedial searches and not getting the answer to this: If my blood sugar drops at night (which it has since starting this) around 2am. I have to eat. I eat enough to pop...
Interested in how other pre-diabetics feel while fasting and what kind of results they've seen. Personally, I combine IF with a low carb Mediterranean diet. I've been eating horribly for months now, so I decided to check my fasting blood...
I just started IF this week, CW - 398 GW - 180. I have been a type 1 diabetic for 25+ years. I have been on an insulin pump for 20 years. I have discussed IF with my doctor and...
If the goal is to avoid triggering insulin production, and I consume sugar-free sweeteners during the fasting period, does it matter since I can’t produce my own and don’t need to dose for things like that?
I'm new to fasting so starting off with 16/8. I'm type 1 diabetic and it's pretty well controlled. I have roughly 2 hypos a month where I have to eat carbs to bring my sugars up. If this happens during...
After the fasting, blood sugar was optimal for two days, then It started to get high during the fasting state, and It was costantly over 115 and in the fed state It webt to 200. Why the benefits vanished so...
I’m curious if anyone else here has PCOS or diabetes and if they do IF? If so- how do you manage spikes in blood sugar? Did you notice eating at a specific time of day (earlier rather than later in...
Hey guys! I decided to try IF for weight loss. I’m currently on ozempic and was wondering: if I go low and take sips of Gatorade to bring my blood glucose back up, is that considered breaking the fast? I...
I made a post here back in June and said I'll be fasting to reverse type 2 diabetes. Well, I didn't get to do that, as life got in the way. But, I have finally reversed my high blood sugar...
Hey all, first time faster here. I’m a little over 33 hours into a 60 hour fast with nothing but snake juice (my plan currently is 60 hours but if I still feel ok I hope to go for 72...
Hey Fasting Community, I've (29M) been intermittent fasting 16:8 for several years now which has helped my type 1 diabetes quite a bit. My recent A1C is 6.0 but my doctor recently stated my blood pressure is elevated. Not quite high...
New to even thinking about blood sugar. I get it checked annually and A1C is good and so is fasting glucose. But I got a glucose checker just to satisfy curiosity. For context I’ve been doing OMAD for the last...
Hey all, 16/8 and 20/4 for about 2 years now. Because my dad is diabetic I've always taken a proactive approach to hopefully ward off the disease as I get older. The reason for this topic is, I'm wondering if...
Hey everyone. I am 40yo and was diagnosed with T2D 3 years ago. They immediately put me on several meds since my BG was 495. I immediately dove into the world of diabetes and learned a ton. Soon after I...
I just started working from 6 am to 4 pm Monday through Friday, I sleep from 9 pm to 5 am those days. I am a primarily hypoglycemic type 2 diabetic. I have been doing 16:8 but with my new...
I would classify myself as pre-pre-diabetic with insulin resistance. The labs have been pretty consistent. My fasting sugar locks in at a solid 95 - 105, A1C is around 5. I'm starting to think my body has a real issue...
Im 33M/5'5 SW 178, CW 170..8 pounds lost in 2 weeks post switching to a low carb diet and starting walks for 15 mins post each meal, without IF.. I was diagnosed 2 weeks ago with dangerously high BS and an...
I'm going on a water fast starting Sunday the 24th, I plan to maintain it as long as I can because I have a lot of weight to lose and I'm tired of being sick with diabetes, I've had it...
If so, what has your experience been like.
I found this sub after being treated deplorably by the "owner" of r/type2 diabetes . I was telling my story of being diagnosed with type2 as well as hypertension and obesity. With the help of IDM I'm no...
Hello My Fellow Fasters! **Backstory:** Wanted to start off by saying this community has been awesome and I am very thankful for you all! As you can see in the title, I am a Type 1 Diabetic. I have recently...
I've been doing a 60hr and 36hr fast each week and am feeling like I can extend to 2x60hrs. Been doing this for 6 months. On my days off I eat what I want. I don't seem to have any issues...
I started grad school about a year ago and really fell off the wagon as far as diet and being sedentary. I’m hoping fasting can help get my levels in a normal range. I know diet is the biggest thing...
i reduce my insulin during fasts btw. so basically what i’ve read is that sometimes sodas are considered to break wl fasts because they cause an insulin response. however i of course don’t produce insulin as a type one diabetic,...
Last year I experimented with Keto and I loved it. I was able to control my hunger and I felt satiated a lot of the time. I was doing this as a means of controling my diabetes. Then I got...
Basically the title. Read the post and AMA. As my experience with fasting was good, I still would not recommend this to any typical t1d without decades of knowledge and experience. Everyone's diabetes is unique and acts differently in...
Hi All, ​ I am kicking off my keto diet and wanted to pair the journey with a continuous glucose monitor. Now that i have been searching a ton of advertisements are showing up... Curious if anyone have a go-to brand. ​ Thanks!
If I do 18:6 IF and my first meal is at 14:00, would it be better to take the blood glucose test after waking up, or before having the first meal?
Can anyone recommend a good book on the science and management of blood sugar?
He's vegan which upsets a lot of people, but I'm genuinely curious how many people trust or distrust him.
Just looking for some guidance and direction on where to learn about IF? Am very interested in trying it, but want to do it in a responsible and healthy way for my body. TIA
I've decided to make some changes to my lifestyle and eating habits and educate myself so I'm looking to buy one of his books, one that contains all the necessary information. I might buy more later but I need one...
I put oats in a smoothie with water banana, blue berries, and peanut butter would that be classed as a good breakfast would it spike blood sugar levels..?
What changes have you noticed? Any changes in mood? Alleviation of any psychiatric afflictions? Would love to hear from you!
I have acanthosis on my neck and early diabetes and they say intermitten fasting is a blessing, but how does it work? What do I need to do?
Im not diabetes or nothing i just heard you can get it from fasting.
Hi all. I am looking for a helpful nutrition book that borders the line between textbook and mainstream nonfiction. I am a geneticist by career. Therefore, I am scientifically literate and do not mind a hard read. I'm just looking...
I began tracking my blood glucose, and ketone levels, during my fast yesterday. I've only tested and experimented in the past, so I do not have extensive records. I will record on a daily basis for the foreseeable future in...
Guys I have high level ketones (urine ketone test strips) My blood sugar level is good (75) I am on hour 45 of my dry fast. I have type 1 diabetes. Am I gonna be ok?
About to start an extended water fast, or already doing one? What day are you up to and what's your goal? I think it would be great to have this in one thread so we can motivate each other!
I'm kinda confused and I'm researching it trying to understand.
Is it necessary to have medical supervision for longer than 7 day dry fast?
I’ve been using a continuous glucose monitor to see how different food’s affect me. So far it’s been amazing - no problems. Im 45 hrs into a 72 hour fast and my blood glucose is getting low, 53 mg/dL. I...
You always hear about slow and fast carbs, but are there no in-between?
l heard that insulin blocks growth hormone release which is why it is unhealthy to eat before bed as it will raise your insulin. So then l wondered what l eat something like chicken breast which is basically pure protein...
This question is in relation to diet soda on fast. Some people claim that this and any sweetener can cause an insulin spike. I’ve succeed in losing 18kg with IF (OMAD) and keto diet but during my fasts I drank...
Hey all, I am 59 years old close to 400 pounds and type 2 diabetic. A year ago I had a sever ketoacidosis episode that left me in the hospital for a week and about 5 months of...
What health issues have you resolved with fasting?
I have bad Type 2 diabetes or rather I had bad type 2 diabetes, I am now doing much better thanks to 6 months of IF following what I learned from the Obesity code and diabetes code. I am my...
One more hour til my 24 hours fasting is over. Took a walk twice today. One by myself and one wearing my 32lbs toddler. I haven’t felt hunger for the whole day but I’m pretty excited to eat my homemade...
Hi - so I've been reading the book and gotten to the part about cortisol and I think I'm missing something. I've googled online and I don't read much written about it, and it's thoroughly confusing as to why...
I've worn glasses for 17 years now. The past 12 years night driving was not an option due to lights being so streaky? (Stretched?) I'm not sure if there is a reason for that. I buy all the extras for...
Sorry for this post, I am on mobile so trying my best to make this neat. I have been Diabetic for 14 years, half my life. I have endocrinologist appointments every 3 months. Today is an appointment day. I have...
I hear a lot of people saying this but what about it is “dangerous”. Besides maybe gaining weight?
Hi! I bought some no-name brand ketone strips for testing urine. And they seem to not work at all. Could anyone please recommend a reliable brand for testing strips that i can purchase online? I live in Australia, but could...
I got type 2 diabetes 3 years ago. And I got inshape. Exercise helped me conquer that but its nothing like fasting. Im on day 9 day of a 10 day fast and the results are crazy. Heres my results....
I've been reading up on how sugar and fiber interact in the gut. It seems like in fruits, the natural fiber pretty much neutralizes any harm that might be done by the sugar. Is this also true of, for example,...
My sister lost a crazy amount of weight using OZEMPIC, it suppresses her appetite greatly so she doesn't need to eat a lot. so the question is, will this thing be useful during a fast or will it negate the...
I am pretty new to this, and understand that dietary fat will not create an insulin response. Hence, Dr Fung has said that a "bulletproof coffee" "fast" (a couple cups a day, to prevent hunger) will not reduce the...
Been keto carnivore 2 years so I am fat adapted and can fast…but everytime I get past 22 hours I start getting scared to pass out. My blood glucose will be like 51…how do. I know if it’s safe to...
Question about blood sugar/insulin sensitivity being better over time. 48f 5'4" sw/cw/gw 214/159/145 After getting covid early last year I suddenly had pre-diabetes. I switched to healthy eating and later added IF and keto. I've lost 55 pounds. Currently...
I have type 1 diabetes, so my pancreas can't deliver insulin. Now when I fast, my blood sugar rises. Be it through strenuous exercise or simply by natural means after getting up in the morning. In healthy people, the body...
Ok so I am on my 4th day of my 30 days fast ((I have previously done few 10s and one 15s.) I am wondering what’s the upper limit to a slow paced cardio while I am feeling super energetic...
I can’t go for long without some calories because I’m hypoglycemic, so I e been buying Huel and drinking that during my fasting hours. I only eat breakfast in the morning and then fast the rest of the day, with...
I am new here and have some stupid questions on which of these things are allowed during the fasting period. 1. Brushing teeth 2. Tea with ginger, turmeric and cloves (without sugar and milk) 3. Apple cider vinegar 4. Vitamins supplements Thanks in...
I'm working to research the effects of water fasting on viral illness. Does anyone know if there are any sources regarding those who have cured themselves of something like HIV or Hepatitis C via extended water fasting?
I am a type 2 diabetic, no insulin. I have been fasting 16-18 hours each day with only a few days where I slipped up and snacked after my eating window or ended my fast early one day. Weight seems...
I really don't care about weight loss since I don't have much to loose. Should I still pursue the path of intermittent fasting ? Can somebody more experienced in that field give me a insight about other proven benefits and...
Just a random thought
Two year old t2 diabetic here, I've been reading on Dr. Fung's fasting method and reversing diabetes. I see everywhere the focus is on obesity. I'm 6'1 and 155 lbs. I used to be 180 and looked great but now...
Molecularly speaking, they are the same. The foods like carrots, beets, sweet potatoes, squash, peas contain "Natural" sucrose in them (fructose+glucose) are the health outcomes the same or the sugar in isolation is more harmful? And is sucrose in...
So i saw my blood results yesterday, and my Hba1c got up from 6.2 to 6.9 in around 7-8 months. I did intermittent fasting for about 5-6 months and then stopped for 7-8 months. Currently, i have been practising it for...
Hi, I have been on 18:6 since 2 months and have lost 5kgs. I literally had no issues in controlling my hunger pangs or avoid eating junk foods. I am a vegetarian and I was on very healthy diet since 2...
Hey all! So I have briefly done Keto in the past and really enjoyed it. I had initially done it to fit into my wedding dress but now I'm ready to go full time and commit permanently. The problem I'm running...
Starting another dry fast. I want to do another dry fast. I am already in day 1. I would like to do at least 6 days and push it till my body tells me to stop. So at least 6...
In your experience, what fast length do you start to get positive results from the keto test strips? I've read that 16-18 hours should start going into ketosis but started testing after 18 hours and it's not registering anything.
Will talking my daily vitamins and medications in the morning break my fast? I’m currently doing 8/16. My eating window is 11am - 7pm. I take my meds/vitamins at 6am daily. Thanks for the...
I am randomly smelling ammonia. I read that it could be impaired kidney function, liver damage, or eating too much protein. I took the vinegar/baking soda shot, but I wonder if anyone else has experienced this and what you did...