Is it necessary to have medical supervision for longer than 7 day dry fast?
Its citralka, a syrup used for urine infection treatment. Does it break the fast?
Can you take medication on a water fast? I mean you’ll still lose weight as fast right? But does it affect autophagy? I mean like valium, zolpidem or herbal stuff.
I’m all about giving water fasting a go. However I’m a bit cautious as I take medication for hypertension. Does anyone hav experience with this?
So it never occur to me I take Melatonin Gummies to sleep. I am doing 6 hours of eating and the rest of fasting though I take those while the fasting period. I work out during fasting period too. Would breaking the...
In particular medication which requires you to eat beforehand. Does anyone have experience with this? Would it be impossible to fast if I need to have these medications twice a day (morning + night) ? Does anyone have any workarounds?
I have a question: i have to take pills two times a day (with meals - breakfasts, dinner). It's any way how to include intermitten fasting to my daily routine? Thanks.
As the question says. I'm trying IF where I eat once a day at breakfast for energy and medications. Doing that though makes me hungry when going to sleep and thus can't sleep. I only have 10mg gummies of melatonin,...
I normally do fasts (intermittent and also longer ones very seldomly) I wanted to do a longer fast for mental health reasons and to reset myself for some goals I have coming up. However I do take medication(it’s vyvanse) for add every...
I'd love to get back into fasting, but I take medication in the morning that needs food and medication at night that helps me sleep. Would a nighttime eating schedule work? Eat a big meal before sleep and a big...
I know this might sound like a dumb question, but does medication break fasting? I take a Thyroid Med first thing in the morning and I break my fast around 4pm ( I fast for longer than 16 hours). I...
I've recently started taking medication morning and evening after food. Is there any way of fasting around that? I've tried taking the meds without eating and it makes me feel very nauseous. Thanks for any help
I am on day 14 of IF and have a 1145am-745pm schedule. Most days I end before 745. Before IF, i would take my anxiety med with breakfast because it needs to be taken with food. Since IF, I've tried...
I was just thinking, hey, bonus of having a really bad cold and sore throat means I haven’t eaten anything since 4pm tonight, only had water and tea, and will likely end up with a much longer than usual fast...
Hello everyone.I am currently fasting for 39 hours. Problem is, I have severe anxiety and sometimes I need to take 2/3 tablets of Diazepam Ratiopharm. My goal is to reach 72 hours.The medication that I take belongs to the "Benzodiazepine"...
Anyone have experience with Snake Diet on blood pressure medication? My blood pressure is not super high so i imagine i won't need the medication after a while but for now i want to make sure i don't overdo with...
I need to take medication in the morning soon after I wake up or else it’s very difficult to function, and also some time later in the day. It’s much easier for me to avoid eating in the mornings, so...
I know that there is no practical answer to my dilemma, but I do want to vent. I have to take a number of medications in the morning so, I have to drink something to get them down. Frustrating. The irony...
Hi everyone, I’m a medical student in the US. I have a really intense and rigorous curriculum, so I need to stay alert throughout the day. I’m very interested in doing intermittent fasting 16/8. However, I’m afraid of feeling dizzy...
I've been fasting for a year now and lost 89 pounds doing one meal a day. Recently my doctor put me on abilify the problem is I can get thru my fast but once the food hits my mouth I...
Hi there, I’ve been IF for a while now and lost about 4kg and been feeling so physically well for doing it. I suggested it to my sister and she thinks her medication chlorpromazine will break her fast. A quick google...
I would like to fast 2 days per week (during the weekends) but unfortunately I have to take Lithium Carbonate, Concerta and Ritalin and taking these on an empty stomach makes me nauseous and gives me severe migraines. I get my...
I have to take meds at 10AM and 10PM, and both meds require food. The 10AM dose takes away my appetite, and I have to take supplemental fiber (Metamucil) 2-3 times per day to assist with one of my conditions....
I want to stay on the IF train, but I have underlying health conditions that require taking medication 4x a day, and I have to have something in my stomach when I do. Otherwise, it creates havoc and a ton...
I am on some pretty big medications like antidepressants and mood stabilizers. The bottles say I do need to eat with them and I have missed times where I did not eat. I get very sick. Does anyone make exceptions...
I am currently taking buproprion XR (Wellbutrin XR) and have restarted intermittent fasting. Typically, if I take this medication on an empty stomach, I will vomit. I’ve also been advised to not take this medication after...
Hey everyone, I’m new-ish to Reddit and new to the Snake Diet subreddit, but have years of experience with IF and extended fasting (but so far only up to 5 or 6 days). I have at least 67 pounds to...
Pretty much the title. I (40f) lost a fair bit of weight and it left some loose skin. I plateaued for a few years and now with a new medication and lifestyle changes, I’m loosing weight again. My skin is getting...
I searched the sub but haven’t really found anything. I have medication that I started taking in the morning and it makes me light headed without food. I don’t like doing 16:8 so early in the day and the morning...
I'm in search of a new primary care doctor and figured I would love one that supports fasting, especially extended!! I don't even know how to find one. . .I'm in MA, if you have a recommendation!! But does it even really...
Day two of a complete fast (no water either) to kick off my week of a no food fast. And all is well, yesterday was rough and didn't feel the best but I'm pretty sure that's pretty much I feel...
Hi all, I’m bipolar and take Abilify (antipsychotic) to help stabilize my mood. Since starting it in April of this year, I’ve put on 18lbs which is very discouraging for me. My psychiatrist suggested I try IF to help combat...
My GP has recommended intermittent fasting (16/8) to help me lose weight. But I have one question I forgot to ask him. I also take medication twice a day that should be taken with a meal. I normally take it...
After trying one & two weeks of water fasting in the past, on October 1st I'm committing to a full month of fasting. I have no known medical issues but my lifestyle (including diet, working out & general stress) is...
(F) 30. I have terrible reflux and take proton pump inhibitor pill twice a day. Issue is, I can't swallow pills and have to have them with at least the tiniest bit of food. So I have it with a...
I wanted to see what you guys thought about whether or not a small sip of water to get down required daily medication breaks a dry fast. I have no thyroid and have to take thyroid medication twice in a...
So I understand this would be breaking a "true fast" but is anything that could be eaten in the mornings when fasting to avoid taking meds on an empty stomach? I technically *can* take my medications without food but it...
I'm sure this is not a new concept for people here, but I made a recent discovery which has totally worked and I want to share it. I have to take a medication every 12 hours which requires at least...
In particular medication which requires you to eat beforehand. Does anyone have experience with this? Would it be impossible to fast if I need to have these medications twice a day (morning + night) ? Does anyone have any workarounds?...
I know that the topic of tea has been brought uo probably 3000 times now. But I was wondering if teas woth "essence of" fruit would break a fast? Usually I just drink plain green tea or matcha so it's...
I have mental problems and can't function without my ADHD meds. I have tried a lot of stuff in the past with going natural, IF, supplements, fish stuff, and what not and it does nothing for me. When I fasted...
I’m interested in starting this diet for weight maintenance rather than weight loss. I lost a bit of extra weight in 2022 and have been feeling a bit of anxiety about gaining it back. I like the idea of still...
I'm doing keto but I've just started ADHD meds. I'd like to continue to do OMAD but my doctor said that I needed to eat with the meds. Do you think eating a slice of cheese or ham is enough...
I am on quite a few meds, kinda heavy-duty each in their own right, and I'm wondering if it's safe for me to fast for 2-4 days while on my meds or if I'll need to do 24 hour fasts...
I’m back on Zoloft and I sadly really need it. I don’t want to gain weight as I have from Zoloft in the past. Will intermittent fasting help? Anyone with experience?
Hey folks! I am new to this community and hope to find experiences considering the headline above. I am absolutely aware that fasting is NOT recommended for BP, as it can induce mania. (I did a lot of research considering this.) So...
I'v been reading the Medical Mediums book "Cleans to heal" and it looks like a difficult diet to adhere to. Cutting out grain, dairy, eggs, all meat except wild fish seems extreme. But other stuff like Spirulina, Dulse, blueberries, bananas,...
Hello all, I have been practising IF for just under a year now, and I've found the efffects to be immeasurable. Before, I was constantly bloated and really struggled to lose weight. Now, I feel great, mentally and physically - I'm...
Am I really, finally making a progress post...? I see so many people on this sub share their victories and achievements and it's honestly the most motivating part of hanging out here. I have fantasized about being one...
disclaimer: i am not seeking medical advice, only tips/thoughts/suggestions, especially from folks who have fasted for medical reasons, since most folks here seem to do it for weight management reasons. \----- hi everyone! i have had some great luck in the past with...
I've been water fasting for weight loss for days (I'm very overweight). It makes me feel really well, both mentally and physically, and I look forward to the health benefits. I've also been watching a lot of Dr. Fung to...
Just found out I have a fairly rare ocular cancer: Chordial melanoma. Definitely malignant, will be metastatic if not already (testing upcoming to see my status). Since I'm just now hitting 67 and semi-retired, there will be no expensive heroics, but...
Due to some health issues, i have to take some medicines in the morning (namely Iron and Thyroid meds), that too on an empty stomach. Doing so, would it break my Fast?
Will talking my daily vitamins and medications in the morning break my fast? I’m currently doing 8/16. My eating window is 11am - 7pm. I take my meds/vitamins at 6am daily. Thanks for the...
So I read the wiki and it says not to put salts into pill capsules as that will hurt your stomach lining. But I wasn’t even thinking about the medication I take daily that comes in a capsule. Is that...
I have been fasting for a few years but never more than 20 hours and want to do it over 24 hrs. What does your fasting schedule look like? Do you go ahead and take meds with empty stomach?...
Context: I have bipolar type 1 and have been prescribed zyprexa which has caused me to gain a lot of weight over the years, so my psychiatrist prescribed abilify as an appetite suppressant. This has caused my weight to stay...
I use to be able to fast without issue. Now, if I attempt to fast I begin to feel nauseous. If I don’t eat, or if I wait too long, I will end up throwing up. I would like to be...
Anyone who take medications have any kind of complications? I take high blood pressure medication among some others, and I was wondering if anyone had any problems. Did you still take your medication while fasting? Did your blood pressure fluctuate...
Would you do that? I've had my wisdom teeth removed and have been prescrived antibiotics. It has been moths that I want to do a long fast/dryfast. Would you start ir while taking antibiotics + probiotics or would you wait? Or would...
For the past 2 weeks I've done 20:4 while getting most of my electrolytes from my food. I feel fine but my heart rate will dip into the 50s. What can I do?
Hi all, please offer an experience or advice you have. I’m on day 7 of an extended 40 day waterfast and I’m in the hospital with dangerously low blood sugar. To my knowledge I’m not diabetic but I’m wondering how...
I lost 30 pounds with IF a few years ago and finally decided to get started again. However, I use medical marijuana for ptsd and depression....I normally have no problem sticking to my eating window, but with smoking or eating...
**Not losing weight on fasting? I am 50 pound overweight have been water fasting and dry fasting for a month but the scale wont budge, I thought my bipolar medications were the reason but my doctor changed them. Anyone...
I've attempted IF a couple of times (16:8) and have problems with constipation after a few days. Anyone else have this problem? Any ideas for solutions?
After reading a few articles, it appears to be true that the that butterfly pea flower tea does in fact kill cancer cells and the reason stated is because of the cyclotides in the tea but it still seems like...
I'm feeling the urge to do a 7 day water only fast, but I am currently taking antidepressants. Is it okay to go ahead and fast and continue taking my medication as prescribed? Or is fasting that long while on...
Hi just need some advice, will plain chamomile tea, no sugar, no milk kick me out of the fasting window? And will taking supplements or medicated pills kick me out of fasting? The reason i am asking is because i...
I take fish oils and Curcumim/ginger/piperine supplements at the moment.
I've been struggling lately and could really use some tips
Hi everyone, I’m completely new to this but from what I’ve seen with the standard fast (not eating until noon or so) won’t work for me due to medication constraints. I have ADHD and have to take my meds in...
I'm currently on nortriptyline liquid and I do wonder if it's screwing up my fast or something. I just feel like when I wasn't on meds, I lost weight way faster. Either the effects of the meds are breaking my...
What is really the difference?
I understand white rice has lower anti nutrients than brown rice. Are there any other carb sources with low anti nutrients?
I want to do an extended fast but I’m scared it will give me kidney failure because I read that it can do that. Is that true ?
I've read differing opinions on this. If the goal is to **firm up** one's stool, which of these, in your opinion, is the best. Right before a meal? Right after a meal? Between meals? Edit: It wouldn't let me create a poll.
A water fast where the only liquid they consume is water, not where the only thing they consume is water. Do cereal and yogurt count?