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How to lose these last 20 pounds?

Hello everyone, I started my weight loss journey at 230 pounds and now weighing 157. I’ve been having a really hard time reaching my goal weight of 135. I’m female, 5’6, 20. It’s taken about 3 years.

I’m on my feet from 1-6:30 everyday, moving large dogs, walking around etc but pretty much totally inactive otherwise. I’m not sure where this puts my activity level, if someone could tell me so I could put it into my ‘Lose it!’ App.

I hate to exercise, and it’s especially hard right now considering I’m in a depressive episode. I really like going for walks but I live in northern New England and I’ll be damned if I go outside in this cold if I don’t have to. So I haven’t been sure of what to do for an exercise. If anyone has suggestions for a quick, full body toning exercise regime that’s what I’m looking for. I’m talking half an hour max. I’m not versed in exercise so idk if I’m asking the impossible.

As for my diet, it really varies. Most days I don’t eat all day long, and then at 9 PM I eat a bunch of junk. I still feel like I’m in a calorie deficit but I’m not losing weight, I’m wondering if anyone knows if this is directly correlated to the TYPE of food I’m eating and time I’m eating it? Because it’s not usually a full on binge (although I struggle with binge eating). I’m also a vegetarian if that matters at all.

Any advice or criticism is welcome. I want to weigh in at the low 140s at least by mid spring. I’m not opposed to joining a gym, just can’t dedicate a TON of time to going.

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Find some free exercise routines for beginners on YouTube. Or even beginner yoga. YouTube has it all for free. You may fall in love with exercise of you stick with it long enough to experience the benefits. Couple that with clean eating and IF, the weight should drop off. Just gotta go for it and stick with it.


If you haven’t tried it already, you might look into OMAD, cutting sugar and starches, and closing your feeding window by 7pm. Also, for motivation, understanding why IF works can help - so I recommend reading The Obesity Code by Dr. Jason Fung. Good luck!


230 to 157 is great work! I think it’s always hardest to lose the last few pounds for everybody. Remember that it’s like 75% about what you eat😉. YouTube is a great source for learning about nutrition, and , yes, learning the basics about nutrition is part of losing weight and becoming healthier. Dump the sugar. That’s a great start.


Same stats as you! “I feel like im still in a calorie deficit” get a 10$ food scale and track. You’ll be shocked how much your small binges are - I also struggle with it (not as an ed but as an emotional thing / way to treat myself after a long day with my kids (im 26)) and when I actually tracked my favourite snacks I realized I was way way way WAY over my calories it was terrifying lol. I’ve started focusing on having an eating window and cutting out snacking so that has helped A LOT to be mindful of what im eating so I can actually enjoy it even when I treat myself Like I did yesterday since it was the day before my period and I had to listen to my body and had maintenance (vs my weightloss) calories + treats to get me there. Tracking is the only way forward. Also, if u want to start working out my favourite is the sweatapp its 3$ for 3 months rn and its such a good motivator cuz u track ur progress well and u can alternate workouts even if ur doing a specific program. Like I did a hiit / ab workout this morning instead of my regular weights based program. Plus 3 months is like the perfect timeline to improve and get down to our goal weight


Based on what you have said so far you might not like my advice, but I definitely suggest adding some resistance training wether it be weight lifting and/or calisthenics. This will help add some muscle and tone you up which in turn will raise your metabolism which will help you shed that last bit of fat you are looking to burn.

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