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I find it difficult to fast suddenly....

Soo as the title says I’ve been fasting for quite some time for a while and it was all good no issues but now I go in to start a fast and OMG I wanna eat soo bad and I realise it is the hunger hormone but it’s like if I don’t eat every 30 mins I feel hungry until I eat and it stops. I want to fast really badly again how shall I fix this?

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The more you fast the more mono-unsaturated fat your body makes. Mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated fat slow your metabolism by interfering with the way your mitochondria burn and store fat.

If you have a chronic reduction in food supply, your body will slow your metabolism down, and enter a state of “torpor”.

One way around this is to eat more Saturated fat, so that you burn more Saturated fat. Eat more butter, heavy cream, beef tallow, cocoa butter. You want to get your body back on track burning Saturated fat


I don’t think hunger is what you are experiencing, rather a desire to eat food, likely out of some emotional or attachment reason. For example; my wife and I eat ice cream at night when we watch a tv show, even if I don’t feel hungry I will have an appetite for ice cream because I have created such a strong association and habit with watching a show at night and eating ice cream (lol). Your appetite is triggered by something, when you fell those urges, stop and feel—“what is this?” Don’t think, just let the emotion or feeling rise up and deal with the root of the cause rather than just the effect of the cause (your appetite). Another technique could be to limit yourself to some type of food that you aren’t crazy about, an apple for instance. If you feel an appetite come on, if you aren’t willing to eat an apple (or whatever you might chose) you really aren’t hungry and are solely eating to fulfill your emotional desires or some attachment you have to eating.Fasting is a mind game and requires self mastery; in that endeavor you must determine why thoughts are entering into your mind in order to tame them and become the master of your mind. You are the master of your mind, you just need to assert your authority. Once you create new and better habits, this will go away. It might require some suffering, but that should be expected as you are killing a part of yourself.


It’s your body telling you to take a break from fasting. I suggest you instead focus on say doing cardio for months before embarking on another fasy. Your body will me more receptive to a break from food and exercise. ( Speaking from experience)


Remember we are designed to overeat (within reason) to fast but again within reason. Too much either side of the equation isn’t healthy.

Anecdotally I used fasting to heal gut issues. It worked very well so I wanted to do it more, more, more. It came to the point where I couldn’t even face doing OMAD anymore. Your body eventually needs food and water. Find a daily fasting schedule you can do without any problems and use prolonged fasting sparingly. The longer the fast the more infrequent it becomes. Consistency is king.


Frequent long fasts, or a lot of fasting in general will make you crazy for food. Re-feed for as long as you can possibly postpone the next fast, until your weight returns to a healthy figure and possibly until the craving abates. If you’re still craving after attaining healthy weight then it’s up to you to either continue eating as much as you want and so put on excess weight, or cut there and begin your next fast, I couldn’t say which would be best. I found after my 12 day dry that I craved about as long as it took me to regain weight, I had put on just a little bit of excess weight (cheeks a little chubbier than normal, very slight appearance of love-handles and of a protruding midriff) by the time my craving abated—two months of re-feeding—I was eating quite a lot of oats and oil in my diet meanwhile though which could account for that. My feeling is that if you follow that principle of re-feeding until the craving stops, you should be fine. I still dream a lot about food and drink while fasting though, but I do love to eat and drink (juice).

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