Is one more beneficial than the other?
How much muscle is lost when prolonged fasting? If one were to lose 1 kg by doing a prolonged fast, how much of this would be muscle? Just an estimate. Ignore water weight.
Do they yield the same results? Would the 7 day fasts be more tolerable and safer? This is what Dr. Jason Fung said on the topic: “Longer fasts have more power, but more risk. To me, there is no reason to fast...
If you were chaining prolonged fasts, say 3 to 6 days, between a couple of days OMAD, where OMAD calories would at least meet total usage for the day or even a slight surplus, would this lead to a metabolic...
I learned that refeeding syndrome is due to lack of electrolytes. But since I will be getting sodium, magnesium and potassium.. Will refeeding syndrome be an issue after a fast of like 21 data minimum? What about 15 days...
So I wanna go on a prolonged fast around 2 weeks and ofc ill be taking an adequate amount of electrolytes and some vitamins but I wanna know if I could actually do HIIT and strength training during the fasting...
My goal is not something I can achieve with diet or exercise I just want to eliminate food and do it I feel I have to do it if I want to face my depression So how do I say no to my...
I’m planning to do a prolonged fast +10 Days. My question is, because HRT injections contain a small amount of carrier oil, will this break a fast or have an affect on autophagy? Estradiol Valerate injection has a half-life around 3.5...
im thinking about doing pf, i already did like 5 days and now i wanna do 10. i probably have endometriosis/pcos and i wanna heal my body from any inflammation in the body that causes it. has prolonged fasting help...
Does anyone have any studies around this topic? Muscle loss is the only thing that bothers me on a fast so please can anyone help? Thanks!
I've been wanting to use preworkouts cause I love the hypes up feeling and it helps me get my ass up and move tbh. Do all preworkouts break a fast? And why? All fasting functions or particular ones? The preworkout i...
I'm thinking about doing a prolonged 6 day fast and assuming I'm taking all the required electrolytes, would I still be able to continue my intense workout routine or should I take it easy for the duration of the fast?...
Has anybody experience with extended fasting (6 to 10 days) and intense sessions of weight lifting during this or can provide some resources I could look up? Edit: By fasting I mean water fasting with electrolytes, tea and coffee but no...
I’m 200 lbs currently (5’9 male), 4 days into a fast. Feeling great. Anyways my main question is how much belly fat, just fat off my midsection in general can I expect to lose the longer I go into this...
Besides weight loss, what are the benefits of prolonged fasting? I'm asking because I'm using the fasting tracker app and it explains what is happening in your body at different "levels" i.e. hours of fasting, but it only gets up...
I’ve been having a rough past few months where I have noticed I’ve been binging snacks, living less actively, and having less energy. I have gained about 8 lbs in the past few months, and need to make a change....
I'm currently at hour 38. Not feeling hunger, drinking plenty of fluids and also salt water to balance my electrolytes. I had done 3 day fast 3 months ago, and now I want to do it again but this time...
Hello all, So I've hit my 72 hour fasting mark. Only on water / fasting salts. Going for 6-9 days Anywho, last night I woke up with a massive urge to release my bowls. It was watery / diarrhea-like. I looked...
Should one Water 💧 Fast before starting a Prolonged Dry Fast.
Is there a point to weight training during my fast since I’ll be consuming absolutely zero protein? Or should I just stick with cardio?
Has anyone been on TRT or started TRT while prolonged fasting? I do a 7 day fast every few days and just started TRT. My levels weren’t “below the threshold” but I was at 360 and I’m only 29. Has...
Or is it not necessary? Planning on doing a 10 day dry fast. I’ve heard that you should prepare before a fast by eliminating any waste so that the body doesn’t use any of it. Any foods to eat leading...
I’ve done a 40 day and night water fast and my hunger never returned so I’m curious how far my body will go burning fat reserves till It hits complications?
Hi, I am currently planning on embarking on what I hope to be a 20+ day water fast for weight loss and overall a betterment of my mind. I am a 19 year old male with a high libido and a...
Hello, I am new to prolonged fasting and have only experimented with intermittent fasting over the last few months (mostly OMAD). I am extremely interested in the benefits of prolonged fasting and it all seems too good to be true....
F23, 400 lbs, I don't have a set day to stop my water fast but I'm thinking around 40 days, I'm 1 week in and have only been drinking water. When should I start drinking the juice? this Is also...
Never let yourself run out of food, thinking it will help you fast longer, then get a big shop before you refeed. I've just put away far too much food lol. Last minute chucked in some refined carbs. Now I'm...
Hi fellow fasters! I noticed after prolonged fasting highly increased hunger that makes me overeat! Have you noticed this too? And how do you deal with it? I can't seem to control the hunger 😭 these are really strong hunger...
I have yet to incorporate a prolonged fast and have been predominantly OMAD with some 20:4 and 18:6 days mixed in. I work out 5 and sometimes 6 days a week and am feeling great. I seem to hit...
This is my second prolonged fast, my first one has been 3,5d and I'm used to 16:8 IF. I'm currently at 50h/168h (total 7 days) and feeling good with a slight headache at the moment. I don't want to exercise right...
I understand the theories behind fasting and omad and keto and state of ketosis. I am curious if there's any study or any information on how much of a weight loss (not autophagy stuff) difference it is for lets say: 1....
As I'm nearing the end of day 6, and awaiting to begin day 7, I feel dissatisfied with my progress thus far. My third 7 day dry fast has taken a turn, compared to the previous ones. The reason as...
Hello r/fastingscience \- what are your thoughts on fasting and the effectiveness of the vaccines against Covid? For couple years I fast 72 hours each month but since recieving the vaccine I stopped doing so because I was worried about...
I’m very experienced with fasting, mostly 36 - 72 hour fasts. I used to be completely inactive when fasting (and in general too) but on a break from university so working at a grocery store for the time being. My...
Probably a stupid question, but would there be any problem with just walking all day when on a prolonged fast for fat loss?
So I fasted for 15 days and it was great till day 10. At day 10 my weight plateaued and for the next 5 days it stayed the same. Ik fasting isn't just for weight loss but I'm confused af....
I've just started on my 3 day fast and I'm already reaching past day 1 feeling pretty great, but what should I break my fast with when I'm done?
I am interested in hearing about any personal dry fasting experiences beyond 7 days. Searching for information online I discovered there is an individual that claims doing 20 days dry, which goes to show that it is possible! To anyone...
It's demonstrated that doing exercise fasted is beneficial, however is not clear to me how to combine muscle building with prolonged fasting. Suppose I fast 72h and then do gym, the problem is that from one side is suggested not...
I'm heavily overweight and I want to lose a lot of fat. My goal is to ONLY eat on the weekends for several weeks, or even months. Is it too much? What would you guys suggest? ***(I'm not new to...
I’ve recently decided to get back into fasting, as I’ve always practiced intermittent fasting and some prolong fasting. But right now I’m day 2 into a 5 day water fast because I have a weigh in for the military. My...
I am on Day 9 of a Day 10 fast, and can't help but notice that I am faced with daily periods of hunger and naps, despite proper electrolyte and water intake. Wanted to know if this happens to others?...
Let say, if I wanna do 48h extended fast and after breaking that fast, I wanna start another extended 48-72h fast straight away. Is that dangerous? I read from somewhere that we have to take a day off after a...
Extended fasters***, not tasters lol The longest fast I’ve done is 68 hours, just under 3 days. I am currently attempting my first 7 day fast and was wondering if anyone had any tips or tricks? The most difficult part of...
I plan to do a regular 36 hour fast for weight loss and mental health - maybe once a month or every two months not sure yet - until I reach my GW. I have 11kgs to lose. Any recommendations...
Hey everyone. I’ve came across a video that said the basal metabolic rate decreases when fasting. The guy didn’t said how much or for how long. So, that made me think, is it a prolonged fasting period worst for weight...
I'm struggling to find any information regarding fasting and vaccinations. It's been roughly 8 days since I got my booster and I was hoping to do a fast as a method of discovering the cause of a chronic skin condition (Elimination...
I mean, let's assume you fast for 14 days, but also do: 10k steps a day Gym 4-6 times a week A lot of yoga What will happen from the fat store point?
Have anyone done this? I work in retail and I’m scared to do prolong dry fasting. My day consist of lots of walking, packing out boxes (bending, reaching for items, etc.) The longest I’ve done is 39 hours (it was...
So currently I‘m on day 20 of a 24 day water fast. As expected I haven’t been to the toilet for a while now. Since I went slightly overboard with salt at around day 10 I got some awful diarrhea...
Today I started my 8th day dry fasting. I never really planned this journey. I thought I would have stopped by day 2! But here I am still going strong. I do not know how long I will keep going. According to...
I've been fasting for weight loss, and I was wondering, if I were to extend the fast for longer than 7 days, how do I go about refeeding when I do stop? I want to keep the weight I lost...
Hi there I have a question. So I have been fasting for a prolonged period. It was my second fast (the first was a while back, for 21days) and now again for 10days. The break has been 5days ago and...
I'm wanting to attempt a 72+ hour fast but don't want to start it during recovery from resistance training. How long do you generally wait for recovery to complete before starting a long fast, or is there no limit to...
What prompted me to write this question was an old news that said an old man died trying to fast for 40 days. I kept thinking of the possibilies why that happened.
\[27 years old, female, overweight\] Most likely I will get surgery (with total anesthesia) in a few weeks. I'm currently fasting 20:4 for weight loss since the beginning of December last year. Before that, I did intermittent fasting for...
I’ve been doing IF for a month. I did it previously for a few months a couple years ago as well. I’ve done one 36 hour fast before. Yesterday I tried a 40 hour. I had coffee in the morning...
googling this gives you answers resembling "stop if you experience nausea, dizziness, diarrhea" etc. on this sub too i mostly find answers along the lines of "stop if you're not feeling well." but if i did that, i would never...
Hi everyone. This community has been super helpful for me to get back into fasting. I used to water fast two days a week to manage my weight and shifted to eating lower calories and a balanced diet over time. But...
Recently, I did 36hr prolonged fasting. I was so energetic and active during the fasting and I did not feel any weakness during the fasting. I ate a Homemade Veg burger to break my fast and I...
Start weight: 231 End weight: 218 Loss: 13 lbs Probably the most difficult fast I've ever done. I don't plan to do something like this again to be honest but it did help me appreciate good foods over junk. I have to...
Hey, I have some questions about prolonged fasting. But first I want to give you some information about my fasting experience. I'm currently 25 years old and I started practicing fasting one year ago, because of bad mental health and a...
[Here]( is a brief overview of lipedema. (Note: lipedema, not to be confused with lymphodema.) Because this type of fat is resistant to exercise and caloric deficit, as seen in the extreme [here](*ASNgelAKGB1_pZUJF0rasA.jpeg), I'm curious if there are any fasting mechanisms...
So, aside from making one more keenly aware of calories coming in, there is another reason it works for me... When I am fucking hungry as hell, whole, healthy foods are amazing and what I crave... When eating mindlessly I gravitate to...
Hello everyone, I've been reading this Subreddit and posts with similar problems, but never quite the same as mine. To the point. Around day 3-4, my right thigh starts to "ache". It's always the same area, the same leg...
I'm curious because I've heard some people claim they did so, but there aren't really any researches on this matter. I suffer from autoimmune neuropathy and dry eyes due to MGD and Blepharitis, and I would seriously try anything in order...
Hi everyone, I just drank masala tea during my fasting window, have I broken my fast? Ingredients: Masala Cloves Ginger Water
Guys, how do you do these prolonged fasts 5,10,15,20,30 days ? I mean how ? How you overcome weakness, dizziness and extreme headache ? What's the secret ?
I mean, I am, kinda, but not like a full bowel movement. More... Liquid. I mean, there's nothing to really digest, so it makes sense, but wouldn't my body keep producing waste anyway? Maybe not like full on bowel movements...
I've been diagnosed with Gilbert's Syndrome as a teenager and in recent years became interested in water fasting for it's proclaimed health benefits. Typically I do 3-7 days of drinking only water and the occasional herbal tea (mainly green tea)...
We generally hear one should not drop body weight suddenly saying it is not healthy. But, on prolong fasting we loose too much weight too fast. Like is this a healthy weight loss? I will be starting with 72s rolling at...
My goal is very simply to lose 100lbs. If my main goal is strictly weight loss do I need 48s/72s or more? Ive done the math and I’m pretty impressed with the results that a simple omad routine with a...
So yea is that okay?
33M 6'2" Some back story: Years ago I went through cancer treatment (CLL) and was a bit overweight at the time (200lbs) and went vegan and fasted a lot and got down to around 167. I always had small lipomas around my...
Not to gripe, but I just feel that this is misleading to newcomers engaging in the typical 12:12, 16:8, 20:4, and OMAD lifestyles, and generally out of place for this subreddit when r/fasting suits this better. If I'm wrong let...
Hey guys, just wondering if anyone else has experienced this before? Currently on day 13 of my fast and according to my scale i’ve gone up a pound from 195 to 196.
Ignoring that one may be easier than the other (all dependent on personal preference), is there a benefit to one slightly longer fast over 3 ‘medium’ fasts? (Or vice versa)
I was using Zero, but it got all buggy on me. So instead of just reinstalling it after uninstalling, I’d figure I would check out something new. Any tips?
i’m planning on going on a liquid diet for about a week after this 2 day fast (since i fast every weekend). can i eat something to break the fast and before i start my diet, or would it have...
Just checking is this normal? Has anyone experienced something similar. Sorry mean bowel movements