I can't wait to reward myself with distance running again, once I feel I am at a weight that will spare my knees :') I also have lots of smaller clothes that I've been saving, to fit into soon! That is...
What is your reward system? For example in my case, after a week of succesfull fasting, I reward myself with pizza or an ice cream, but of course again during the eating period, I keep fasting after. What do you...
I got so excited by the noticeable, measurable progress and getting within 10 lbs of my GW, that 2 peculiar mental twists snuck in: 1) I should celebrate by being more lax and eating junk food; and 2) I should...
I'm beginning a 72 hour dry fast. It won't be my first, but the first I'm doing while also having been strength training. I'm worried about losing muscle mass, and also I just hate sitting around not doing anything. I'm...
My idea is every 10lbs lost, I get an ice cream cone. I recently told a friend about this, but they think it's an awful idea. He likened the thought to someone saving a lot of money and going on...
So, I finally decided I had enough. Being a male, 6'2" and 265 pounds is a challenge... add to this starting gender affirming hormone therapy and something has to be done. I am 44 hours into my first 72...
I’m considering breaking my fasts with a keto diet for a couple of days to keep more ‘gains’ I’ve realised after breaking my past fasts properly, I just end up binging and probably losing any of my gains / ‘rewarding’...
Are you starting to feel unfocused after lunch or so? How is your focus and concentration abilities during the day as a whole before your meal?
How bad is it to eat a healthy meal and then eat a pack of MM’s or Soda? Does it pretty much cancel the hard work you put in that day? I burned over 900 calories today too. I just...
I feel like not seeing any changes in body or weight has really demotivated me in trying to be healthy I’ve gained a lot of weight because frankly I’ve just neglected myself but I’m tryna get back to being more...
Do you have to drink a lot of water for intermittenfasting to work? Also, do you have to quit sodas completely?
Hey all! I started alternate day fasting a few weeks ago but honestly didn't expect much success over the holidays which proved true. Now that that season is over and I can focus more on the fast and what I...
Can you drink diet sodas and still lose weight? Doing omad everyday?
If you are doing 24hr, 36hr or 48hr fasts (short term) you still need to track calories... When you break your fast and for a couple of days later, you may feel enough hunger to over-eat what you need to...
I'm certain I overeat and indulge due to anxiety, so when I fast I'm not sure what to do with myself when I would otherwise just be eating. Any suggestions that worked for you?
I have a problem. I have a freezer full of food. Along with cabinets filled with bone broth, vegetable broth, noodles, beans, and so on. While water fasting, I have less of a desire to eat fast food but more...
I've started doing 20:4 IF, aim is to lose weight, reverse fatty liver and normalise cholesterol. I'm quite enjoying it, fasting all day then eating when I get home from work at 4pm, finishing dinner by 7:30 or so. I've tried black...
I know this is unhealthy but I daydream about food. A lot. Is there any way to stop this?
Im gonna start fasting in 2022 im done being a fatty,, I've already ordered the supplies but i have a few questions? How much plain water do you drink? Do you need to drink plain water, can you just drink...
I am new to fasting and I am wondering if there is a fasting plan where I’d be able to eat a lot in one day or two then go back to fasting for weight loss. I would also like...
Last year I dropped from 118Kg down to 92Kg over a 6 month period by doing 18:6 roughly 5 days a week and a very low carb (almost keto) diet, it was the first time I'd ever been able to...
Been struggling lately just to hit 48 so feels really good to get that 72 done. Feel great atm and it would be pretty nice to continue for at least a 96 hour fast but now my mind starts playing games...
I’m someone who usually only eats two meals a day, with me having a couple of days a week only eating one. This makes me think it’ll be pretty easy to get into a routine of a two period in...
I am riding a unicycle right now and if I go too slow, I may just eat an entire brick of cream cheese. What do you do to keep your head in the right space?
I’ve been getting excessive thirst, headaches and constant salty mouth for the past 2 days. I figure it’s from an electrolyte imbalance, either too many electrolytes or too little (drinking a gallon + a day). Can anyone weigh in?
As inspired by an Uber driver who challenged me to challenge myself with a multiple day fast, and shared his own experience with using long fasts to cure brain fog, reduce anxiety, and control burnout. Past experience with 72 hour...
Hi so I plan on starting at 16:8 fasting with the hope to increase the period. What advice would you give weekends? Keep the fasting period? It’s ok to break?? Thank you in advance
or you are very strict with what you eat?
basically just title
I have very severe depression and anxiety. As well as severe hyperhidrosis I am desperate so I would literally do anything. Tried every diet etc but nothin worked. Can dryfasting heal this problems ?
Edit . Sorry i mean water fast for like 72 hrs straight per week
Hi guys, I need some help here. I come across a lot of content online that says women shouldn’t fast for longer periods of time and your cycle will be disrupted or your hormones will be disrupted etc. I have...
Finding it hard to not quit my water fast. Any tips would be appreciated!
So for example, could someone eat say 10% of their calories in just added sugar daily whilst on a cut, or do they risk adding on body fat again even in a calorie deficit? As a followup question, when on a...
I'm planning on going on a 7 day fast to clear up a horrific breakout. The last time I did an extended fast my skin was already pretty clear but I did notice a wart I had had on my...
Let's say that I can manage my diet well with a slight calorie deficit, but at the same time I want to treat myself to a cheat meal on Saturday to have that incentive to continue it (perhaps by being...
Ive been doing IF for about 5 days now (16:8) with calorie counts and exercise. How long until you saw results? I just need a bit of motivation knowing that at some point i will see the scale move.
Have just finished day 2 of what hopefully can be a consistent routine of 2 days fasting, 1 day of not (but not like, eating a whole pizza). This is the only thing that might really encourage me, so I figured...
So tomorrow I begin my 72 hour fast this will be my first time going without food for 3 days I’m so nervous because I heard you’ll be super weak and tired and all this and I work security in...
most people feel better after a fasting. I black fasted (with water) for 3 whole days and I feel worse, feels like I wanna cry, feeling guilty and shameful and overall baad. It feels like these came from my deeper self, is...
I moved to Italy recently, and in the last 2 months I gained around 8kg. I work at a bakery, so baked goods are always around and I cannot resist them. Everything is new, I want to try all the...
Intermittent fasting for the weeks or so. I'm 15 hours into a fast. Wow up at 5:30 inexplicably. Ate too much chocolate the day before. Work stress. Money stress. The kids are yelling, already had coffee, and I'm so, so, so...
I want to start a peptide called Tesamorelin that I just got that helps melt belly fat but I am wondering if it would break a dryfast since ur injecting a liquid into you
I was wondering if there has been research done as to how much something that generally "tastes good" costs ? I would love to see some rating system for how tasty something is compared to it's price. This could be used...
I was talking with a friend recently about fasting and they brought up how they have better success with fasting if they do not tell anybody until after they’re done. I thought it over and honestly I too also feel...
Thigh gap is an overhyped part of the beauty industry, so I get why there's so much caution about fixating on this one feature of some bodies. But there are also definite benefits to not having inner thighs rub and...
I've had fasts before but they never exceeded the 72 hour period. I found a lot of times I feel absolutely alive and different when i fast. I'm doing it for the self control however and the health benefits, not...
Last Thursday I went to get my flu shot and a COVID booster. I was finishing up a 4 day fast that day and when I weighed in the following morning my weight had actually gone UP 3 lbs. I...
Will it help me lose more weight, if I already lose some with intermittent fasting?
I’m curious about if combining IF with weightlifting is going to be beneficial for me, yes I do want to lose weight but I would rather focus on muscle growth and I’m reading a lot about how your body can’t...
This is my second day fasting, so because of the insane cravings, I decided to go outside for an hour long walk. During that walk I realized how unhealthy my eating habits were. I basically stay at home all week...
Not too far into my journey, although I used to be really good at this. Within a year I’ve gained a lot and abandoned most of my healthy habits, but I’m finally starting to feel more in control as I’ve...
I've done intermittent fasting in the past (16:8, 6 years ago) and now I started 18:6 a few days ago while on a cut since January. I decided to do this because my calories have been dropped in order...
So I am doing a 16:8 type fasting and have a question. From 1PM - 8PM I tend to graze rather than eat meals. I typically take in around 1500 calories and keep my carbs around 30 G per day....
I've 28f been depressed most my adult life, but i've been in therapy for the last 3 years and doing mostly good now. But here's the problem: food was always a comfort for me on the not so good days,...
Getting back to fasting after taking a break and the past two nights i’ve been breaking my fast around 11 pm to snack. How do I stay focused and resist this urge?
I feel pretty inferior having to ask this question but I’m putting my ego aside in hopes of finding the strength/will-power/motivation/tools I need to be successful at fasting. I really want to begin rolling 24 the 48 then 72 hour fasts...
i started at 240 and am now at 209. i don't really see a difference honestly. besides my stomach. i will say my stomach is definitely smaller. i can't even force/push my stomach out much, it almost looks the exact...
I know we’re generally better off not talking about it. But 1. Friday I saw my new GI doctor for longstanding issues that persist no matter what diet I eat. I shared that the only thing that seems to...
How do you guys stop yourself from breaking fast at night? It’s always night time I have the hardest time. Any tips? Tricks? Or methods that helped? Hard to sleep when fasted.
Is one big meal every other day sustainable? If anyones tried this I’d love to hear your experience/ results.
Me and my friend are going to try and go for 5 days. Any recommendation? Should we do no food? He was talking about just eating broth. Should we do it in a certain window in that case?
I'm a 30 year old male from Egypt. I'm 5'8 and 180 lbs. I lift weights four times a week and I have a relatively sedentary lifestyle. I lost weight using a mix of fasting ( one meal a day...
16:8 and lost 13 lbs so far, but today I slipped completely by accident. I brought drinks for everybody at work and a water for me and for some stupid reason, I picked up a coke and...
Hey everyone! I’m very fresh to the community and I wanted to take this opportunity to ask a question after I started IF for the second time now. Little bit of context: I (21F) am not a beginner, I started IF for...
Seriously? I get so bored whenever i try to fast, which results me into eating everything on site What are activites you do to occupy your mind to distract you from food?
I was recently reading a post in this sub called "Not Guilty Pleasures" about foods that people didn't give up while losing weight with I.F. and that got me thinking about the common diet rule that you shouldn't bring junk...
Everytime I prepare for a fast (like today) I just give into eating and psychologically tell myself that I need to eat, and just east - I have a food addiction and I want to FAST for all the benefits...
As tempting as it is it’s really just one meal (well maybe like 2 lol). By tomorrow the Turkey is going to have been sitting in the fridge all rubbery anyway, right? I can always eat Turkey after my fast....
Title says it all. Curious if other people record every weight they take or just when they lose it? I’ve only been recording when I lose weight but I don’t know if it would be better to see the ups...
I wish I could do it with someone. :/ Also, how do you work at the same time? I was so weak that working was out of the question. I want to do this on my next vacation, but will seriously...
Hi im hoping to do a month long fast starting the new year and just needed some final advice, im quite new to fasting but have done several shorter week long fasts. the non eating part isnt such an issue...
I did a 41 hour fast starting after dinner Thursday night and ending a lunch on Saturday. Friday dinner time was hard to not want some food and Saturday morning was super easy (almost didn’t eat lunch). When I...
What is something you have refused to give up while still having success with IF? I read so much about people eating totally clean, cutting carbs, cutting sugar, dairy etc...would love to hear from the folks out there...
Apparently we need only ~500mg to be healthy (most of the top results on google for me say this), but we need 25 grams of fiber a day, so shouldn't fiber taste approximately 50 times better than salt? I...
I am addicted to sugar and although Ive tried intermittent fasting before and had some success I have decided to have another go, in order to make myself more accountable im laying it out on the line - I started...
So I'm day 4 into an OMAD run. I've tried 18:6 and 16:8, but I always slip back into my old routine. So even after 4 days, I'm feeling amazing. Already more alert and got a pep...
I'm currently on day 2 today (Sunday) and while it's hell, it will be so worth it, to see the definition and other health benefits! Share your stories with me, to keep me going. UPDATE: I broke down and ate at 49...
hi i have tried water fasting before for only a few days this was about a year ago and now im into try dry fasting because i have stopped using drugs and replaced with overeating which basically makes me feel...
Hi, I see a lot of posts about rolling 48s, rolling 72s, etc but I'm having a hard time finding something that explains or introduces it. I think I get the gist: you fast for said period of time, eat a...
Every time I've tried to start IF in the past I've had severe anxiety coming up to the first fasting period. This anxiety stems from life long disordered eating. It feels like I'm being deprived of food and therefore my instinct...
Been IF for a little over a year now, and things starting going great where I was losing 1-2 lbs a week, but I have currently stagnated where I am neither gaining or losing weight. I assume that it’s because...
Started a fast Monday evening. Would like to lose about 30 pounds so that's gunna take about 2 months fasting. I'm not particularly hungry however I'm not especially happy rn. Anything food related I'm hyper fixated on. Like my family...
I feel so good when I fast but the problem is i also get a lot of joy out of eating. It could be chips or apples i still like it. What do you do during your fasts to bring...
Hello! I've been doing time restricted eating for a few years now. I'm a big fan but there's one issue I've been having. Wanted to get some feedback. My day will typically look something like this: **Small-ish...
I live in the United States, and there seems to be sugar in literally everything here. Obviously not fresh vegetables or something- I’m speaking of anything that’s already pre packaged like bread or pasta sauce. I won’t even get started...
It's Halloween season and I've been eating way too much candy. Not only that,, I haven't been exercising either. I feel like crap. Not worth it. It's more the candy that really messing me up. I can't...
So currently i wake up at 4AM and work from 6AM to 3PM, i’m a gas pipeliner so my job is labor intensive, my question is what would be the most effective schedule for fat loss, i can skip breakfast...
How do i go past it
I'm in day 4 of a 16:8 fasting program. Part of this program involves stopping drinking all soda and sugary drinks, so my sugar intake may be down as much as 80%, so that could be a factor. I went for a...
Just as the title says, I don’t know how to stop my binges. I am just wondering what has worked for other people. What hours did you do for your fasts? How did you manage your hunger and stop binging?...
Has anything been proven to prevent hunger overnight?
Hi guys, I'm new to this, get the basics but would be humbled if you guys could answer a question or two. So I've done two days of fasting with water and a cup of tea(essential) only until 5pm then...
The toughest thing about IF for me has definitely been coming to terms with this psychological dependency I have on food. Thinking about my meals, shopping for my meals, cooking my meals and eating my meals were all such big,...