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I’m not interested in food anymore.

My house is literally full to the brim with food. All the snacks, fruits, veggies, proteins, etc you can imagine BUT I don’t want any of it.

It’s tons of foods I love but my desire to actually grab/make/eat is dwindling more and more.

It’s definitely a strange transition. I went grocery shopping this week not even realizing I’d barely made a dent in the previous groceries. I feel food rich for the first time in my life.

I used to fast in the past but I never got to a point of feeling like food was kinda blah. Does anyone else experience this? I definitely want to be sure I don’t wander into an unhealthy attitude towards food so I want to check myself.

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It’s not just you. Fasting seems to switch off urges. When I started fasting I would, in my head, make big plans for food. Or I’d be standing in line at a fast food place going oo I can have this, and this, and this…and I’d get up and not really want any of that, and just order something sensible.

Even regular meals are less appealing somehow. My eating window opens and I’m shrugging and waiting a few more hours. It’s unnerving, but I figure my body is doing what it needs.


There’s an ebb and flow to it. But once it ceases to be the “only” thing (when do we eat and what do we eat and what do we get to eat next) and is just a thing, it’s not as big of a deal.

If you can see a cookie and not “need” a cookie because you don’t want a cookie, that’s good. Doesn’t make you crazy.

It may help you right now to plan your meals, so that you see that you are indeed eating and eating for nutrition purposes. Then enjoy that you are nourishing yourself.


I did fast to do combat the opposite (binge eating with constant craving for food even when Im full, it worked)Yes, it happens OP. I also have a lot of food and ingredients in our fridge. I think it’s about balance..


This happened to me when I was doing OMAD - my body just got used to when I would feed. However, this probably means you went too far. Once I started weaning myself back I had insatiable urges to devour everything in sight. Careful, almost everyone here can tell you that the rebound is THE hardest part. Good luck.


Nope this is completely normal! I too have become bored with food. I get creative every now & then & try different healthy recipes but now that you are eating for fuel & not for fun or pleasure there is going to be that disconnect. Since food consumption has gone way down so has my grocery shopping & I must say being food secure feels great.


I feel the same. I’m so bored by shitty food. In my younger years I ate lots of fast food, sugary snacks etc. Now? Meh. These days, I’d rather have a good meal at a restaurant once a week and leave it at that. Quality over quantity.


It’s normal. I feel the same. Maybe your body or mind is slowly “resetting” habits or something?… It’s helped me break some bad habits and also stopped me eating so much sweet stuff. On the flip side, it made me appreciate other food more.

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