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Its not very motivating that my weight on the scale isnt moving (18:6)

I do see on my body and clothes that I have lost weight, however now it seems like its standing still though which is even more demotivating. (I get really motivated by seeing results on my scale and reaching my small weekly goals, which just arent happening).

Im tracking my calories (maximum 1500), only drinking water and black coffee in my fasting period. Im a female, 176 cm tall, 84 kilos. Im working out 3 times a week, so Im sure Im gaining muscle but since its not heavy workouts, should it even make a big difference?

I eat veggies, fish, eggs, fruit and sometimes oatmeal (is oatmeal a “bad” carb)?

Ive always put on weight extremely easy and have a hard time losing any, so could it be something else is going on?

Any advice?

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From another perspective, it sounds like you are doing everything right and you are seeing gains based on how your clothes are fitting. You know what? Let the scale says whatever it wants, you just keep going and eventually you’re going to get a nice woosh of weight loss. And keep track of how your clothes fit and how you feel, that’s much more important than some number.


I have the same issue. I suggest fasting for longer durations. Try OMAD and then alternate day fasting. Work your way up to multiday fasts. The multiday fasts can help you cut weight more quickly. After you reach your target weight then your diet just will need to help you maintain it. Then you can move back to a more generous eating window.


I’m on the slower side of losing weight, so my advice is stay consistent and don’t weight yourself for a while since it’s having a negative effect. Try to avoid negative thoughts , people and situations in general, it might help as well.


Beginners build muscles way easier than intermediate/pro lifters. If your measurements are changing then there’s the result you’re craving. Scales can’t tell the whole story.

And oatmeal is NOT a bad carb.


You should focus more on how your clothes feel and how you look in the mirror. When using the scale pay more attention to your weekly/monthly changes and make sure you’re trending downwards. Day to day changes mean nothing. Another thing to remember is that a lot of times when we lose body fat our fat cells soak up water in an attempt to maintain homeostasis. Personally when I have lost weight in the past it always came weekly. I would more or less stay the same weight all week and then magically sunday morning I would drop 3-5 pounds.


Bro, fk the scale and watch your body! Scale is just a number, you won’t go to the beach in summer and carrying scale with you ..

Another helpful tip: Watch your weight every single day, and in the end of the week, add your weight for your 7 days and divide it by 7 .. and compare it to the next week .. that’s the most effective way to see your results using scale .. the loss should be between 1 - 2 lbs per week


I like the mirror test the best (visual changes, etc.). When I do weigh myself though, I do it at the end of a longer fast (20 - 24 hours), and after I’ve gone to the bathroom (numero uno and dos). For me, it’s the best way to track whether I’ve lost weight over the prior week. I see fluctuations of up to +- five pounds depending on food in my belly, hydration, etc. so it can mess with your head if you’re not paying attention to those things.


No one has mento9ned this yet but be mindful of when you are weighing yourself.

Do it at the same time of the day, after weekends can also give a higher readout.

Taking progress pics really helps with the mental aspect of losing weight.


Clothes and the mirror are better than the scale. For me, athletic performance is number 1 - so I’d say you are doing great!! Sounds like your body is doing what is thinks is right, and they are all good gains. Keep up the good work!

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