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Just started IF, what is the transition like?

I recently came across the Lifespan podcast and got the book too because the material really was interesting to me. I decided to try out IF, where I just eat one hearty meal a day at dinnertime and coffee/water/diet soda as much as I like. I also got the supplement they mentioned (athletic greens) and I take that in the morning to make sure I’m getting proper nutrients. It’s day 3 and I feel like this is something good. My head is clear for most of the day and I’m much more inclined to do things. Overall I feel I’m more on my game regarding being involved in life and I like that.

So because it’s just day 3 I’m figuring I might just be in some transition phase. Is this what it’s going to be like if I keep up with it or will it get different?

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You seem like you are transitioning easier than most. Usually people start with something like 16:8 and move to OMAD over a number of weeks, so you skipped some of the hardest stuff.

It only gets easier as time goes on for me. Eventually the body produces less hunger hormone during traditional meal times that have been ingrained into you over decades. At this point I eat my meal because I enjoy the food, not because I’m physiologically hungry.

You can then try longer fasts thrown in from time to time depending what your goals are. You sound interested in autophagy so they probably would interest you. After doing OMAD for a while I am now working in some 48 hour fasts as an experiment. Hour 40-48 was amazing, I felt so light and sharp. It made me want to keep going but I am going to ease into it. I also have lots to lose so they make sense.

One thing I would suggest is to cut the diet soda or any other sweeteners if you can. Sweeteners can seemingly trigger an insulin response in some people, even if it’s a mild one. Lots of people still have success in losing weight keeping sweeteners though, so it’s not a rule by any means. I was losing with them (was literally sweetening most of my water), but after I cut them out I was losing more consistently and I felt better. Basically all I drink during the fast now is ice water, black coffee with a little salt to take the edge off, and green tea. I also take electrolytes on the days I don’t eat at all. It took me a while to work to black coffee after using cream for so long but now I love it. Also never a tea drinker before this. A good compromise is to only have the artificial sweeteners during meal time, because your insulin is already up anyway.


The first three days for me are the hardest. But …. Within the first three days I notice an immediate reduction in the amount of bloating. Keep with it because by the end of the week you will be used to it. Start with 16:8 and once you are comfortable there then increase your fasting window. It’s a slow, steady race …. not a sprint. But it works better than anything else I have ever tried to lose weight.


I’m new to IF as well. 6 weeks now. I’m really a sweets addict but the IF is really curbing this but only if I stay away from sugar or anything sweet, even my lip balm will trigger it. So I did love a Coke every day but now I drink club soda. I don’t miss the coke because I still get the “burn”. It’s my treat during my fasting period. Maybe give it a try to get off the diet pop. 😁

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