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Looking for some general will-power/motivation support?

I feel pretty inferior having to ask this question but I’m putting my ego aside in hopes of finding the strength/will-power/motivation/tools I need to be successful at fasting.

I really want to begin rolling 24 the 48 then 72 hour fasts for all the cleansing and healing benefits. I feel like I really want to and yet I just absolutely cannot bring myself to sit with the discomfort of being hungry for more than several hours. I know this is a mindset thing, I know it’s all in my head. I start the date with the best intentions and then soon after I bargain with myself and give in to the uncomfortable feeling and say F it. The same thing happened to me when I tried to give up added sugars for the sake of my health and I literally just could not deprive myself of sweets even though I know im better off without them!

I feel so pathetic for not being able to simply fast even for 24 hours. Like how sad is that, I care more about the taste of food and instant pleasure from it than my health. What??! I need some help guys. Thank you!!

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I think the keyword you said was ‘sit’. If you can, either try to start on a day you know you’re going to be busy, or plan your day that you start. Then your mind will have other things to think about. Other ideas - find someone to be accountable to or set up a reward system for yourself - if I achieve this I’ll do this/buy this.

Just some ideas.


I struggled with this exact thing. I wrote my feelings down and researched heavily on the benefits of fasting and how bad sugar is for you. I had to train my mind to fast and it took a long time and lots of moodiness. But I got there and I’m so glad I did.

You aren’t stupid, or weak. You are a normal person and this is a difficult journey that takes time.

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Categories: 72 hour fast mindset sugar reward struggle to fast weak