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Any advice/tips for my first 36 hour fast?

My longest fast till date is 23 hours. I’m currently on OMAD. I’ve seen amazing results with IF, it’s completely changed how I see my body and my will power. My biggest struggle so far has been convincing people I’m not “anorexic” because I’m down to one meal. I have a clearer mindspace and more energy on this routine than I’ve had all year!

I want to test my limits and try a 36 hour fast. I worked up from 16 hours to 23, so is this something I should continue working towards? I’m not sure how sustainable that is though, so should I just try it one day? (without slowly increasing fasting hours I mean).

I drink black coffee in the morning, and if I’m particularly tired by the evening, I have a cup of black tea. I know people talk a lot about salt and electrolytes, is that something I need to take if I’m doing a 36hr?

I do cardio and weights before breaking my fast, and sometimes do a little yoga in the night before bed. Should I go about my normal routine, or skip the exercise to conserve my energy?

Any other advice is welcome as well!

EDIT: I am not trying to fast 36 hours all the time! This is something I want to try once, and if I feel good after, maybe do it once a month or so.

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The first time I purposely went over 24 hours I just thought of it as an experiment. If I broke the fast it would have meant I failed to finish it. If I failed I wouldn’t have been able to collect the data on how my body and mind reacted to the extended fast experiment. That was the mindset I went in with. Imo if I made it more complicated than that I would have to go through hoops and turns within my head just to justify continuing the fact until the final hour. A simple reason to do it is better than a complex one.


Fasting isn’t something to achieve it’s just a tool. Do it if you want, it’s not super difficult. But why? To test yourself? That doesn’t seem healthy to me - in terms of your relationship with food - where does it stop? Maybe I’m still negative from reading someone else’s stupid idea to eat once every 48 hours for December.

I do IF every day, and it’s been great, but I think I need to step away from this sub for a while.

Peace out! ✌️

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Categories: tips 36 hour fast longest fast omad struggle energy fasting hours coffee morning evening tea electrolytes cardio to fast extended fast mindset