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Need IF “time” advice, my work starts very early in AM and I’m completely off track.

Once my kids went back to in-person school I worked out a schedule with my boss which allows me to go in at 5am and get some work done, take my “lunch” break (1hr) to send kids off to school, and am off early enough in the afternoon for pick-ups and whatnot.

That being said, it has thrown my once successful IF routine way off and lately my child with a disability has been going through some difficulties. I’m in his corner 100% but I realized recently that I’m internalizing stress by overeating and eating more processed food out of mental fatigue. In the past IF gave me a foundation to rely on so I didn’t really have to think about it, my phone reminded me of fasting times and then eventually my body conditioned itself. I felt great when that happened and I could still provide a family meal during my eating window.

Weekdays up between 4-4:30am, break at 7:45am but not often a lot of time to cook stovetop breakfast, off work at 2pm, dinner between 5-7pm, bedtime 8:30-9pm and usually asleep by 9:30-10pm. My job is mostly walking, about 10k steps a day on average. Busier days well into 12-13k and don’t even ask about holidays! *Also no restrictions regarding eating at work, we can eat in between work orders. Some days I can make it to noon and other times by 10am I’m feeling hungry. What gives, body??

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Firm up that dinner time first. That’s the ritual eating of your family. That’s the important food. Use that time to nourish your body.Then count backwards from there. How wide is your eating window? If you can say dinner always ends at 6.30, and you want to do 8 your windows, then you can eat at 10.30am.

If you want 6’s, you can’t eat until 12.30. That may not all the way work for you. I don’t understand about the stovetop part. You may have to pack in your first meal to work and eat it while doing things?

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