| | Water Fasting

Newbie faster here. Wondering how to deal with co-workers

So I have been researching fasting for a while now and it seems like something I would want to try. Mostly because I want to lose weight and stop wanting/eating food when I’m just bored or because I usually do at that time and I’m not actually hungry.

I’ve been intermittent fasting for a while now and it is mostly going okay. Sometimes I get hungry before lunch and break my fast a little early with a small snack. But the idea or fasting for a longer time seems interesting.

The main problem for me is that we eat lunch with the whole department, we all sit together so it would stand out a lot if I don’t eat. Today I only had some broth and and two graham crackers and that got the comment “You should eat well, even if you want to lose weight” (They know that I have been trying to lose weight).

I could always start in the weekend but I noticed that keeping busy at work makes it easier not to focus on food all the time.
So any tips on how can I stand out less or explain why am not eating?

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Can you run errands during lunch? If not say you had a huge breakfast, and not hungry even though you didn’t. Or go for a walk during lunch. First rule of fasting, don’t talk about it. Ha ha people think who haven’t done their research and are just spewing what big food has marketed to them most of their lives. Good luck!


Say you ate earlier and you’re just not hungry. You think it’s a bad habit to eat when you’re not hungry. I’ve told people I have a big (or special) dinner and I want to save my calories. I have told people I am fasting but this is after years of intermittent fasting where I can stand by my guns and shut down arguments.


i deal with this as well- i actually travel with my coworkers for days/weeks at a time so they see me at every meal. i cycle through different excuses as my coworkers are not understanding of a water fast:

  1. sometimes i’ll “remember” right as the meal starts that i missed doing something & pretend to run a quick errand… by the time i get back people are wrapping up & i can pretend i’m going to grab something quick as they are leaving.

  2. if we get takeaway i always request mine in a to-go box and it sits untouched in front of me while i drink water (no one can really see into the box) then later i’ll give my meal to someone who will eat it.

  3. occasionally i’ll feign illness although i don’t like doing it as it feels somehow more dishonest… but i’ll just say i have some pms or digestion issues and sip water or warm (fast-friendly) tea.

  4. sometimes i’ll say i brought a smoothie for my meal, and really it’s just water inside an opaque travel mug. this one also feels pretty dishonest but it has worked…

  5. sometimes i do just say i’m not hungry and allow them to see me skip a meal, but i try not to use this one more than once or twice a week.

good luck!!


As said.. just don’t talk about it to them.. the biggest reason they aren’t exactly supportive is simply because they feel you are holding up a mirror to them.

They all know they eat too much at the best of times. Also when every one is eating it encourages one another to relax and eat more…. “I worked 3 hours this morning I deserve a treat after lunch” etc somebody not eating is weird and makes them feel uncomfy

Can’t you just go out at lunch.. walk the building or just go read somewhere? I don’t know of any place your locked up with work colleagues at every waking hour I’d go nuts!

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