I’m still in the very beginning of my journey but I’ve noticed that this lifestyle seems to make it easier to resist going back to bad habits. It would be fun and inspiring to hear which habits you’ve managed to...
Anyone have any links to something showing red meat isn’t bad for cholesterol? Or is it bad?
What do you guys do about breath before breaking fast? I would normally chew gum but now I have dry mouth from my meds and it makes for bad breath. Is there anything I can use that won't break the...
I can't stand dates. They taste like candy and have way too much sugar. Yet they are "natural". What do you think? I think it might be better to eat whole undried fruits, that seems healthier. Even if they have...
Does anyone experience bad breathe over long periods of fasting? I just started and I had bad breathe today, from 20hours. Tried drinking water, but wasn’t helping much. If anyone experienced it, how did you deal with it
Does anyone have any remedies for Keto breath that don't involve just avoiding people?? I see so many posts asking about bad breath here that get answered with, "pop a mint every hour!" or "just avoid people!" I have a...
So it never occur to me I take Melatonin Gummies to sleep. I am doing 6 hours of eating and the rest of fasting though I take those while the fasting period. I work out during fasting period too. Would breaking the...
I recently started IF(20:4). At the 8 hour mark, I start to develop terrible bad breath, is this expected or something to do with my oral hygiene. If not, how to resolve this?
Please tell me there is a way for me to enjoy them guilt free.
There seems to be mixed suggestions on how much oat bran a person should be eating to lower the bad cholesterol. Some say 1/2 cup. Others say that you only need a few teaspoons, since your body can't absorb all...
I follow an OMAD diet. The only way to eat fruit for me is at the end of my only meal. Is it good or bad to eat fruit at the end of a big meal? Someone say it may...
Some recently told me that citric acid is really bad for you in spices and in food and vitamins and I can't find anything to back up what they are saying.
Hey guys! Like most people, I find late hours to be the most delicious. But is it just a habit? Is it possible to get rid of it? That is, would my organism adapt and stop craving food?
Had a good week with mostly Omad than a 3 day. Then zeroed it all out with 2nights of really crappy carby eating, but back at it currently at 36 hours
If you do a splash of milk with your morning coffee at 7 AM, do you all consider that breaking fast or it will get burned off since you're not eating until 12 PM?
I have been road-tripping, I keep my protein and creatine in the bed of my truck. Will exposure to 90+ heat harm these supplements.
Those of you who practise quite strict fasts, how do you manage bad breath during fasting periods? Are sugar free mints like Eclipse appropriate? Would they be considered to break a fast? It’s not feasible to brush my teeth every...
I don't really have anyone to talk about this irl yet I've started calorie counting and fasting. Recently I got covid tested that's come up negative but I'm stuck at home for 7 days and waiting for retesting, because my...
I know that fried foods are bad for heart. What about sautéing foods (using a little amount of oil in a shallow pan)? Are they also bad for heart and general health?
Or is it still better, even when the dates are pressed?
I just wanted to know what people do for their bad taste / keto breathe remedies are. I use a tongue scraper every few hours but boy does it get unbearable sometimes. I even get slightly nausea from the taste....
I just wanna know how bad are the flour and the baked stuff for a diet or for a trying getting lean phase?
I don't look good I look anorexic but I don't know whether to break my fast. I sort of forced myself to drink but it might have been a mistake. I really look quite fucked up and I'm being pressured...
So wondering if cocoa nibs are too: (article states most cocoa has high levels of lead https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/09/well/eat/dark-chocolate-metal-lead.html
Halitosis or bad breath , how do you stop it from happening or anyone here who got the same thing while on IF? How do you cure it and make it go away??
Fast for a week, break it, then fast again another week.. Then again and again.
I've been skipping breakfast for some months and just had coffee, however, I've heard that drinking coffee on an empty stomach is bad because it will increase the acid level in your stomach. How do you deal with this?...
I was once on a Dr monitored program of diet (not carnivore but somewhat lower carb) and exercise and once a month if we met our goals we were allowed one day of all you can eat whatever you want....
Have been fasting for three days. First day the glucose reading was 88, second day it dropped to 82 and today it is 73. Is this a cause for concern ?Planning to fast for a week. At what point...
Honestly I love love love fast food. I want to be healthy but I really don't want to completely give up fast food. Just for an example lets say I at a triple cheeseburger from mcdonads everyday but I didnt...
I just love making my life easier. /s
recently a lot of popular brands that produce dark chocolate like hershey’s were found to have heavy metals like lead and cadmium. How much harm will consuming dark chocolate actually do to me? They suspect it’s involved in when the...
When I read the can and saw the saturated fat of my coconut milk, I was in shock and sad. Is it bad for you or is it the “good fat”. Because last I checked saturated is bad and I...
So I wanted to use the weekend to prepare for my dry fast starting on monday. I’ve read that you don’t advise waterfasting before a dry fast. Does that imply a snake juice fast as well? I wanted to load up...
my longest fast to date has only been a measly 24 hours. would attempting a 5 to 7 day fast be a terrible idea? should i build up to it with, say, a 3 day one?
Made this post, everyone there be saying broccoli bad https://www.reddit.com/r/carnivore/comments/ys58cs/anything_antinutrientbad_for_health_about_broccoli/ Of course that sub is biased against vegetables, but are they actually right?
I’m a newbie. Only 19 days. After a few days I’ve begun to have very odd dreams. Dreams which are like a whole new genre in my life. Some are just plain scary as well....
Would those of you who have decreased your LDL with fasting, please share your story?
Would it be a bad idea?
I really like sugar. I'm gonna eat candy. I know it's not ideal, but it's my thing. That said, is there a less bad time in my feeding window (I'm currently 100% on 18:6) that I should try to...
I completed a 21 day fast at the beginning of the year and want to do a 40 day fast next week to lead up to my birthday. Is too much extended fasting bad for my long-term health? I'm experienced in...
I only started IF a few days ago and with today being my birthday I decided to have a day off with eating healthy, but I now feel bad about it already seeing as it’s not even been a full...
I understand there’s bacteria growing in my milk past expiration but is it really that bad for my gut? I don’t mind the taste or odor, especially if it’s chocolate or skim (less microbe growth). Obviously there’s a point where...
So what is the consensus?
Fasting has been great for me. Mostly 16/8 but recently did a 36 hour and felt great. The 16-18 hour mark is by far the most hungry for me personally. I started at 282 and am now at 263. That...
Started fasting a couple of weeks ago. I usually do 20/5 and break my fast around 6 and have my last meal around 9-9:30 (nothing heavy or greasy) always healthy protein and veggies. But will eating late affect my fast?...
It has antibacterial, but in order to get the value of the antibacterial, you would have to ingest much more sugar, correct? Is it only good to have after exercising, if this is the case? Even if honey is in its purest...
I did IF in the late summer, with weight loss as the primary goal. It worked - I lost 11 lbs. in six weeks. The biggest challenge was trying to stop using artificial sweeteners and I caved after...
Would like your opinion on what would be the most effective diet practices and habits to implement in someone's life? Something like eating more veggies, some low-hanging fruits that most people have about their diet that would make a huge difference...
I still eat carbs, like potatoes, bread, chips, rice, pasta. Yet I’m noticing my breath is getting worse, especially right now where I haven’t ate for 18 hours. I floss twice a day and brush for two minutes. Is this...
I don’t think I could do it everyday because of work, but on my days off I think I could do but not sure if it’s pointless
I've been shaky and dizzy. Am hour 18 of fast. Very non fat adapted. High carb meal yesterday. Had lots of snake juice, aka electrolytes.
Been dealing with bo and especially bb for a couple years now and I can’t find the root cause. It’s not oral or surface level. Seems to be coming from the gut. I’m thinking dry fasting will help as it...
I know that added sugar contains no nutritional value and can cause inflamation in your arteries, but is it really that bad if no weight is gained?
I’m a 21M and I started doing a couple extended fast to try to help with some chronic issues. I’ve only gone as far as 2 days. I’m aiming for 3-4 this time to see if it makes a bigger...
Just a random thought
I’m preparing for a 21 day fast. Today I ate cookies and some peanut noodles… I was hoping to start tomorrow. Usually if I eat like this I try to do a 48 hour fast, but I’ve never done a...
So I knew this day would come. After three weeks of totally clean OMAD eating in which I counted my proteins, cut out all processed sugars, embraced good fats, and drank nothing but water/black coffee, a day came where I...
Has anyone else noticed ever since they started fasting, they don’t feel side effects from food or drinking as much? Back before I started fasting, whenever I ate fast food with even a little too much grease my stomach was...
DF day 2 drank a half litre of pure water after morning exercises. how long it takes to be dryfasted state again? planning to DF(kinda) till saturday. goal: stubborn belly fat remove
Hi! So I've been doing OMAD for a while now and I've noticed that my breath is getting quite stinky.. What can I do besides brushing my teeth? breathmints will break my fast, so any tips are welcome!
So I know that saturated & trans fat are the worst, but please help us understand this: if someone has unsalted nuts which the says “15g fat [2g saturated, 0 trans], then what about the other 13g fat??? What exactly...
Been doing18:6 for about 3 weeks. Going well, sleep is slowly improving, feeling less bloated, some weight loss. It’s been pretty easy overall as I learn and adjust and dial it in. Well, today, 6 pm, 6 full...
Hello everyone. I am currently fasting. Yesterday and today I have eaten about 100 calories of white rice to fight fatigue and weakness, it has really helped and made the day go by faster. (I.E. no lingering fatigue that makes...
I don’t like black coffee, it is what it is. If I fast for 48+ hrs and the only calories I have is about 100 cal a day in creamer, is it really that detrimental to my fast?
Compared to normal added sugar and in general?
Hi all, I personally don't notice this, but every time when I fast, as soon as I hit the 20-24h mark, my girlfriend start complaining that I have bad breath. Brushing my teeth seems to work for maybe 10 minutes at...
Started at a restaurant. Instead of butter or some other oil they use some butter alternative called whisk. Soybean oil based.
Been doing 20+ for about 2 weeks now and finally saw a little nsv, but went out for drinks yesterday, and now today I only did 16 hrs and over ate quite a bit and feel bad about it. Thanks...
is this normal and does it get better? it's one of those brutal headaches that you can feel in your eyes. struggling to get out of bed at the moment despite an 8-9 hour sleep, too tired. debating whether or...
I have IBS (primarily runs), and have been on medication (Linzess) for it, but I’ve gone a few days in between #2 bathroom breaks consistently. For my OMAD (4 weeks), I’ve been eating healthy and balanced. On previous diets...
I completely understand this is a bad idea. I'm not suggesting it's a good idea. I find the biggest thing that gets in my way while trying to fast is social engagements and the need to network in my career. A few...
I am not a heavy drinker by any means. I don't drink hard liquor like ever. I prefer Mikes Hard or some trulys/white claws with about 5-8% alcohol percentage. Is this bad for me?
Instant noodles are one example of them but why is MSG considered bad for you?
I’m not sure if this is the best subreddit for this if not can someone direct me to a better sub? I just want to see if someone can see anything harmful in this ingredient list. [pic of ingredients](https://i.imgur.com/VwZ9VQb.jpg)
I tend to consume a can of coke probably 3 times a week... I'm an athlete but I really love coke. What are some cons of drinking coca-cola, and how will my health be affected? Please give me some...
Been doing IF and tracking calories for a few weeks to lose weight. Going great, the IF window makes it much easier on me Physically and mentally to stick to my calorie ceiling. Yesterday, I messed up, went way over my...
I’m in love with oatmeal and I want to have it everyday but I’m not sure if eating it everyday is a good idea. So can anyone tell me if it’s fine or not? Like will it cause any damage...
I’m new to IF. I did well all weekend through this week, until yesterday. Idk what came over me but I gorged like 1500-2000 calories before bed. How rough is this in my fast? I like feel bad about it...
I’m hypothesizing that if I don’t eat and drink i.e. dry fasting, that I will avoid as much pain in my anus as possible from slowing down the frequency of my bowel movements. But I don’t want to become constipated...
Currently half way through a 3 day fast and noticed I struggled through my usual workout. Should I wait before exercising?
I did OMAD yesterday and there was about an 8 hour gap from the time I ate to the time I went for a run. Before this, I also decided I wanted to try doing a 48 hour fast (I've...
I’ve been doing IF (16 hrs or more) everyday now for 2 weeks. Starting weight was 180-182lbs, then the lowest I got within these two weeks was 178. I haven’t been eating out much but the last 2 days I...
47 male doing 16:8. I typically eat/ break my fast between noon and 1pm. I usually have a bowl of shredded wheat because it's high in fiber and 0 sugar. I also have a banana and some berries....
I'm about to start fasting again but I've recently got a job where I usually get off at 930 ish and I'm home by 10. I don't like eating on the job and I like to eat my meals at...
When I used to do IF I fasted daily from 8PM-noon and my timing rarely fluctuated. But lately I’ve been finishing eating at like 6:30PM, some days 7, honestly some days I know I am done eating for the day...
Some popcorn such as Skinny Pop is made with sunflower oil.