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[requesting support] fell off the wagon, gained 11 lbs (originally 115lb lost)

Hello fasting community, After a traumatic last week where I ate anything and everything I could get my hands on and didn’t even fast for an hour, I have gained 11 lbs. I had originally lost 115lb, so this is about 10% of my progress.

I would love some supportive stories from people who lost control like I did but were able to get back to a healthy lifestyle.

Please be kind, I am having a hard time. Thanks so much.

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you successfully lost 105lb, and have succeeded in keeping it off.

you know that worst case scenario of eating in a totally uncontrolled manner for a week now, and in the future, is acceptable, as you only grew by about 7.5% (this is a guess), and you are happy in the knowledge that you can loose that weight again, using techniques you know work


Aw, I am so sorry you are having such a rough time :( I would not worry over the 11 pounds, I am sure half that is food volume and water retention. Just keep at it as you’ve been and take your time, be kind and grief if you must. You’ve lost an insane amount already, you have the courage to keep going just keep trying a moment at a time. Eventually you’ll realize you are back on track, sending good vibes and hope all is well soon. Please take care!


Fell of the wagon as well, didn’t fast or any diet for about 10 days, luckily I ended up losing about a pound or two in that time. Getting back on track and about to hit 24 hour mark in 2 hours. You know how this all works already, so it’s gonna be easy for you to lose those pounds!


Well, my story isn’t too bad. But, I was becoming stricter with my OMAD and at the time I was following a loose keto diet, around June 2022. Finally, I had gotten down to 187. This was big because I was previously fluctuating around 190-93 for months, eating all the keto foods.

That was late June, then I caught covid, after that I lost all will to not cheat. Everyday I was ‘starting over’ or would ‘eat better’ the next day. I ate foods that were obviously not good for you in the amounts I was consuming, but coupled with being prediabetic/diabetic my weight quickly went from 187 to 205 between July and August.

I think it was just a lot of stress that I experienced in almost all areas of my life that made me snap out of it. I felt I could no longer control people or certain situations any more, I know you can’t change people. But, I could change myself. So, I went pretty aggressive and started rolling fasts fairly quickly due to not being able to cook where I live.

Mid September, when I started addressing my wait, to now has brought me down to 173. Finally no longer obese.


When I weigh-in every morning I tend to maintain my weight, give or take a couple pounds. But I lose ground when I go for a few days without weighing.

11 lbs gain back after losing 115 isn’t too bad. You caught it, and got back on the wagon. I’ll bet you’ll be back down there in short order. Good luck!


Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water!! You gained back 11, which means you ONLY lost 104. You got this, you’ve done it before, you can do it again. You caught yourself quickly before it really became a problem. Let’s focus on the positive. What can you do RIGHT NOW to get back on track? You can’t change last week but focusing on it will effect this week… and the next… and the next. That’s when you have a real problem. You messed. Ok, get back to work. You’ve got this. We’re all here for you. I believe in you.


Get your shit together. Do not let folks talk you into waiting until the holidays are over. Seriously you have worked hard you deserve to feel great in JANUARY. No one will be there when you have gained 50 lbs..

Take care of yourself. If you need therapy, get therapy. Remember no one lives in your body but you. Christmas is a single day. not 6 weeks.

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