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Skin flare-up during first fast in a long time?

Hello! I used to fast for 1-5 days pretty regularly and remember feeling AMAZING. Then, life and the pandemic happened, I put weight back on, was diagnosed with lupus, and am returning to low-carb and fasting to see if I can start feeling good again.

I’m closing in on my first 48-hour fast today and noticed that my face started getting really red and inflamed around the 24-hour mark. I now have a few red bumps, and my whole face feels hot. I’ve been on top of my electrolytes, have continued my meds, and have been checking my blood pressure to make sure that’s not a factor.

This is the opposite of what I remember experiencing during fasting, so I’m curious if this could just be because it’s my first fast in 4-5 years, or if this is a common side effect for some people?


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I got a keto rash the first time I tried to do a 7 day fast. On the fourth day, rash was on my wrists and above my elbows on my arms, and beginning to start on my face. They were raised red bumps which were moderately itchy. My doctor advised to finish the fast early, and allow longer refeeding in-between fasts and also to use a hydrocortisone cream. Afterwards my body got used to extended fasts and I did not get a rash again.

Not sure if you are experiencing the same thing, just wanted to share. Best to ask your doctor.

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