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Suggestions for iron rich foods for a vegetarian

Hey all, could you tell me some options for iron rich foods for a vegetarian? I know spinach and dates can be consumed. But I am looking for more options to have a daily routine.

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A few notes:

Spinach is actually not great for iron absorption, it’s got a lot of oxalic acid, which binds to the iron and keeps you from absorbing it. https://healthyeating.sfgate.com/drawback-using-spinach-iron-supplement-7894.html

When you eat iron rich foods, you also need to make sure you’re consuming Vitamin C, which helps boost iron absorption. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/increase-iron-absorption

Anyway, on to foods, blackstrap molasses is a good source of iron that you can just take a tablespoon of to add to your diet if you’d like. Lentils are also high in iron and a good source of protein. Hemp seeds and “hemp protein powder” like from Bob’s Red Mill is a good source of iron. There’s also pumpkin seeds, which make a nice snack, and are pretty iron rich.


Beans, lentils, tofu, tempeh, edamame, cashews, pine nuts, chia seeds, flaxseeds,hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, kale, Swiss chard, collard greens, beet greens, mulberries, raisins, dried apricots and figs, quinoa, amaranth, spelt, quinoa, blackstrap molasses, tomato paste, sun dried tomatoes, potatoes(in the skin), certain types of mushrooms, palm hearts, olives, dark chocolate, coconut milk, dried thyme


I’m Indian, and these are the common iron rich ingredients I use in my diet:

Sesame seeds, mustard seeds, almonds, horse gram,red lentils, curry leaves,coriander leaves, tamarind,raisins, turmeric powder, cumin, coriander. I also try and have a 5 greens per week rule - spinach, bokchoy, coriander, rocket, lettuce parsley, dill, mint; including any 5 every week.

Use them in your existing meals - sprinkle toasted sesame seeds, curry leaves, coriander leaves. Cook with spices like turmeric and cumin, add raisins to salads, include nuts and lentils regularly etc.

let me know if you want more details, recipes etc. I’ve been iron deficient for long and apart from supplements, eating right has immensely helped.


I know you’re a vegetarian, but you should just google image search benefits of beef liver. Organ meat is much healthier than muscle meats which are the common cuts used. I only say this because in the youtube comments of the many videos I watched yesterday, I saw plenty of comments from former vegetarians talking about how malnourished they were until they tried it. They spoke great things about it. I gotta try it myself. Also, I have to say there’s a reason when animals kill in the wild they go straight for the organs first. Nature’s multivitamin.


Cacao is really high in iron, maybe some seaweeds? http://www.dietandfitnesstoday.com/vegetables-high-in-iron.php yup irish moss seaweed and some mushrooms. It is harder for the body to absorb iron from vegetables so check-if theres a combo that increases bio availability like vitamin c (I think thats right but not positive.)

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