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Tested positive for Covid 4 days ago, did a 72 hour soft dry fast and tested negative today

I’m not saying this is a cure but when this happened, I loaded up on salt and everything I needed, had a good meal, and drank no water or ate food during that time. As I was still fasted, I tested again today and I was negative for Covid 19.

I wanted to fast longer but after I tested negative I really wanted to eat so I drank a bunch of fruits and veggies I juiced and had some raw goat milk. Just thought I’d share.

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It’s common to test positive and then negative the second time, for regular folks. So it’s hard to tell if a dry fast cured you. Correlation is not causation. I’m glad you test negative the second time around.


Dry fasting is amazing at RAPIDLY and NATURALLY getting rid of illness. I also cured something rapdily with it. Over the summer I was bitten by a tick and developed all the symptoms for spotted fever. I Immediately started a dry fast as an experiment to see if its healing properties were true. 48 hours later my symptoms vanished. No doctor. No antibiotics. If more people dryfasted our medical systems would not be such a wreck.


It is literally a super power. My dad’s friend had a decent sized tumor on his lung and I recommended they dry fast to get rid of it. They laughed me out of the room, but then came back weeks later offering to do it once they realized how much money treatment would cost and how risky the whole process is. The tumor was eaten completely after doing a 48 hour dry fast routine for one month. When he went back to the doctor, the doctor said it was complete luck and said it was medically impossible for that to happen.

We are conditioned to think we need to buy medicine or surgery for everything. Having something that is literally free is a massive threat to big pharma.


Makes sense, I beat it in four days as well. I didn’t fast however. I drank green tea, ate hot soup, took zinc and vitamin c. I worked outside in the sunlight and felt great. If I wasn’t in the sunlight, I was freezing. Felt like the flu, the first two days.


Smart. I had Covid back in November. Too late to fast, it was in full swing. Down for 2 weeks. I survived. haha It was the worst illness I’ve ever had, seconded only by a ruptured appendix that left me in the hospital for 2 weeks.

Dry fasting works. Accidentally cured myself of warts by doing a 68-hour dry fast to see if I could and to grow closer to Christ.


i believe it probably was a cure and i don’t buy into the idea that there’s no treatment options for covid. i also don’t believe in the vaccine being the only option;) good job healing. i water fasted for 3 days with covid a couple weeks ago. i didn’t get tested at all but i felt better by day 5-6


It actually is a cure. Unfortunately majority of the population do not have the strength and willpower to do a fast. Most people have never skipped a meal haha

I also did a 3 day dry fast when I got covid in march 2020 in Barcelona. Immediately went into a 3 day dry fast and I was 100%

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