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That 2:30 Feeling


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If your eating too much in general then even a salad will cause you too feel like this because your digestive system is not actively looking to metabolize food. Basically you should probably exercise consistently and not eat big meals late at night or big breakfasts- just eat a smaller more frequent meals and only eat them if your genuinely hungry


I am the same way as you. It doesn’t matter whether I have a big lunch, small lunch, healthy lunch, not healthy lunch, lots of carbs, no carbs etc., I get a “crash” around 2pm. Occasionally I don’t if I’m doing something active at that time but sometimes that does not help. A nap helps but I can’t do that everyday (or most days actually.)


From what I remember from Intro to Psych, there is a natural dip in our circadian rhythm at about 2-3PM. Our body wants us back on that preschool nap routine (or a siesta if you are from a culture that actually values rest).


I started doing my workouts on my lunch break and eating afterwards and that has really helped keep my energy more stable throughout the day. I think it’s partially due to your afternoon meal but also our natural circadian rhythms and how our blood pressure changes.

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