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The cravings for sweets are almost completely gone

I used to be an absolute sugarholic. It was essentially a daily struggle not to buy something sweet on the way home because my brain wanted it so badly, and all the time. It was never enough.

A few days ago while at the grocery store, out of mostly old habit, I thought I’d get a pint of ice cream to have in the freezer as something I can use to make sure I don’t impulsively buy something on the way home. That’s helped me in the past because then I can tell myself “if you want it so bad, you have some already at home”, versus that argument well there’s nothing at home. And even then, 50-75% of the time by the time I got home I wouldn’t care to have some anymore.

Anyways, I’ve noticed over the last 6 months becoming less and less satisfied by the sugar. Regretting and losing the taste for it while I’m eating it, not just afterwards. I started fasting summer of 2020, with dozens of 48 hour fasts, multiple 72 hours, a 5 day and an 11 days (all wet). A few months ago I started doing some dry fasts as well, usually 48 hours.

Of course, the goal with my diet being to really cut back on the sugar. But that’s hard to do when the cravings are still there. I think this is where fasting seems to speed up the process of helping that. The more fasting, the less I want sugar when I do eat. Even after the longest fasts. Which makes sense with the science behind fat adaptation where by now my body is well equipped to run on fat instead of carbs.

Tonight I decided to eat the ice cream I bought because it kinda sounded good, and I just really lost interest in it. I ended up leaving it sitting on my nightstand melting while watching things on YouTube because I regretted even getting it. And this happening is so amazing to me, as someone who used to be so caught up in the cravings for sugar and junk food I’d wake up at 2am and go in my car in the cold winter to drive and get some. Now it’s in my face and I really just don’t care much about it anymore. My cravings are probably down to 2% of what they were, usually coming up when around people talking about it and it’s been a day or two I haven’t eaten. I just have some of the 20 years of habits left that are taking longer to change.

I think I’ve decided tonight I’m going to go the rest of 2022 without any ice cream at all. I’m regretting it when I buy it now, and only kind of enjoy it while eating it. Mine as well just do better! It’s a mind blowing experience and realization that makes me really happy.

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Awesome! I can relate to the decreased cravings. It’s sort of a strange feeling when it’s been part of your “wiring” for so long. I’m struggling right now to make it to 24 hours (fell off around holidays). Longest DF I’ve ever done was 83~hrs. Really need to get my engine switched over to fat for fuel. Good luck on your goal.

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Categories: sugar struggle habit 48 hour fast dry fast longest fast tea carbs habits struggling holidays