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Tips on fasting as a beginner ?

Hello ,

One of my New Years resolutions is that I want to start fast to lose weight but I have no idea where to start. When ever I tried to fast, I always end up starving so much that all I think about is food and then I break it with something that is not healthy at all. Any and all suggestions are appreciated!

Happy new year!

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Intermittent fasting is generally the safter way to go for beginners.. The way I’d start is with reducing how much you eat. Most people in the developed world eat more than we need, that along with generally eating healthier foods is the best way to start. At the same time increase your water intake to about 3 liters a day, join r/hydrohomies they will gladly give you support for that. Then once you’re comfortable with that start skipping breakfast. Once you no longer want breakfast try pushing your lunch back or pulling your dinner closer. I’ve found not eating for 3 hours before bed helps massively with my sleep too. Soon you can do any type of Intermittent fasting you want, I personally do a 18-6 which is admittedly on the extreme edge. Once you’re comfortable with Intermittent fasting start with smaller 24 hour fasts, the first 48-ish hours of any fast are by far the worst because you’re so hungry, but with enough build up and water you should be good. I would advise aginst dry fasting, which is fasting without water, as you’re already depriving your body of food doing so with water as well can lead to extreme dehydration which is a bitch.

Take it slow and steady, build up your ability over time probably a few months, then if you want start doing long fasts. Get enough water, especially since you will be getting less from food, and get enough sleep. We’re always here to support you on your journey. <3

Edit: a fasting timer, or any sobriety clock, is a great way to keep yourself from eating. Any time you feel hungry open the clock, look at it and ask yourself, “Do I want to end this? Is it worth it? Will I be happier with myself for eating now than waiting?”


Look up dr fung. I’d start by eating Whole Foods and cutting out processed foods and sugars and anything that spikes your insulin. Then start by skipping one meal. So maybe you skip dinner or breakfast and you’ll likely be at 16-18 hours already. From there you can push to 24. The first 3 days are the worst. Hunger will be worse if you’re coming off of a lot of carb heavy foods. Hunger dissipates around day 4/5. Dr fung talks about a fat fast and that can help too. If you’re just going to dive in, remember that hunger comes in waves. Set a timer. Drink some herbal tea or black coffee or bone broth and you’ll find it decreases again. It does pass :)

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Categories: tips lose weight to fast intermittent fasting lunch dinner sleep 24 hour fast dry fasting tea a fast fung sugar fat fast coffee