I need to lose about 50lbs I am at 182. 5’3 female. I work from home and get no exercise. Plan on putting on a podcast and walking with the dog every day. Or just start with couple of times a week.
I want to do 16:8 - do you guys eat anything, stay within what calorie range?
12-8.. is that a good window? What do i do about cravings and feeling faint? Will black coffee help? Is there anything i csn add to coffee? Black coffee makes me nauseous.
Thank you so much. Will appreciate your tips n “ wish i knew then what i know nows” on fasting
Forgot to add im a stress eater. I eat bc im stressed. Specially at nightcwhen every one is in bed and im enjoying the alone time
I would suggest starting with one tactic at a time and doing that for a long time before you consider introducing a new one. If I had to pick, I’d start with intermittent fasting. If you’re eating at all hours, even 12:12 to start is an improvement. You can slooowwwly work your way to 16:8.
If you’re seeing a trend here, it’s because slow and steady is the only way to run this race.
By the way, before I’d even start intermittent fasting, I’d make sure my sleep schedule/quality is up to par. If not, keeping the weight off becomes a real challenge. If you think this could be an issue - and it is common for those of us who are overweight - talk to your doctor about a sleep study. If you have no medical issues like apnea, practice getting up at the same time every single day, even weekends (+/- 20 minutes). This should be the case regardless of when you go to sleep the night before.
So, in order:
Evaluate and possibly modify sleep schedule / quality.
Start a less demanding IF regimen. After six weeks at that window, move up a little. Eventually, shoot for an 8:16 window.
Once your IF schedule is a matter of habit, start walking at a slightly faster pace for about 150 minutes per week. (Of course, you should always be walking your dog, but this would be in addition to your leisurely strolls with him.)
I do 16:8, generally noon to 8. I’ve lost all of the weight I said I wanted to and now just want to go a few pounds lower for vanity. (I really mean a few, like three.)
The biggest thing for me was starting gradually. I used to eat first thing in the morning and would eat and/or drink into almost bedtime. So I started by pushing breakfast a little later each day, and not consuming any calories after dinner. In a week or two I got to 16:8 and it was easy.
Best thing for me was reading the book fast, feast, repeat by Gin Steven’s. There is also a podcast called the intermittent fasting podcast. I listen to the podcast to keep me motivated, and it really helps me stick to the fasting by understanding what is going on in my body during it.
Good luck! I have found personally an 8 hour window is too much for me. I can pack a lot of food into 8 hours, I try to go 18-6 and just break my fast with a snack in the afternoon and eat dinner as my one meal each day. As soon as dinner is done, I stop eating and I use a timer to track from there. Typically stop eating between 630 and 730