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What is your strategy for mental discipline when fasting?

How do you deal with hunger? What do you tell your brain when it says it’s hungry?

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Back in undergrad dorms where we had a buffet style meal services, I used to tell myself “success starts from today” and intentionally look away from the pizza or dessert area saying “don’t even look at it, success starts from today”. End result was I lost 45lbs and got lean and turned my life around for the better in almost all aspects. It compounds; food is a key foundation along with mindset


It is going to sound a bit weird but I use a disinterested dawdle voice in my head. İf I get angry or frustrated or anything that has a remotely negative voice (told you we were gonna have those on Monday!!! Now shut up!!), I just lose it and want to break my fast.

It’s like ignoring a big kid. İf it says tummy hurts: (i know it’s my tummy, too) in the most boring tone. I just don’t feed the desperation, I guess if I have to explain how it feels. İt says hungry!: (Yeah, wow only 2 days left. Hang in there)İt says dizzy: (oh yay more juice for you, get ready for the grumble party)I am the type to have a hard time starting. If I can do that I can keep going by just disengaging my inner voice. If I engage it with convos like (mm that food in the video looked good…) Then it means I’ll be most probably binging in the break fasting period. It is a hard practice.


I definitely had to shift my thoughts about hunger to progress. Your body will start eating fat when it’s really hungry and that is the goal. Also it seems counterintuitive but I feel like it only gets easier, the first day is always the hardest.


I don’t know if this would work for anyone else, but I only start fasting when I’m mentally ready.

I decide that I will fast soon, I make sure I have required items, like for snake juice, and then I think about why I plan to fast, about how lousy I feel, headaches, migraines, brain fog, inflammation, and gut issues as well as any up coming motivating events (beach vacation, wedding, family visit).

Then one night when I go to bed, and I decide I’m ready to fast starting the next day. Why? I don’t know, but when I’m ready, I am ready. I wake up, make up my snake juice while making breakfast/lunch for the kids, just remind myself not to lick my fingers.

The longest fast I did, 30 days, I was physically hungry through the whole 30 days but had no cravings, no problems and no temptation to quit. I worked the whole time, and felt fine.

But if I try to force it and make myself fast, I feel miserable and fall off the wagon and eat the worst food that I would not normally want to eat. It’s what kept me away from fasting for the longest time.

I did notice that I am more motivated by feeling lousy than by how I look.


i have a reminder on my phone set for every 3 hours saying “you’re fat. don’t even think about eating.” might be harsh but it works for me lol i almost got boba an hour ago but stopped myself when i saw the reminder on my phone

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Categories: mindset binging to fast lunch longest fast