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What keeps you motivated?

I didn’t see many posts specifically about motivation when I searched. But what motivates you in particular to fast and get past that first day? Losing weight sure but anything more specific?

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Older family members. I’ve seen extended family make it through cancer, deal with dementia and spend time in skilled nursing dealing with recovery after accidents. I’m hoping that I can stave off some potential illnesses with occasional extended fasts for autophagy, and trying to keep my weight manageable so I put less stress on joints and it’s not horribly hard to get care after accidents, (ie a single nurse or PT could help me get up and down rather than requiring two or a system of pulleys).


Losing weight BECAUSE: I have kids to live for. I want to fit into a nice wedding dress. I want to challenge myself to take better care of my body. I want to eliminate binge eating from my life. To feel more energetic. To really learn my mind and bodies functions and cues when it’s not always processing food.

So, it’s losing weight but because I have really good reasons to lose weight. I also pay way more attention to how, why, when, what and where I’m eating if I’m not always eating.


> But what motivates you in particular to fast and get past that first day?

Trying to heal crippling gut issues.

I’m a 6’4” 26 year old male that weighs 150lbs normal weight. Currently on Day 10 of a water only fast and am at 135lbs.

I finished a 14 day water fast 3 weeks ago… and it helped my gut issues so much I’m doing another one. I’m taking off work for this because I have little energy. Basically I’m just resting because obviously I don’t have the fat stores at 150lbs (borderline underweight) to sustain a higher metabolism during a long water fast like a lot of the overweight people on this sub.

I’m Water Fasting more out of necessity to hopefully be able to have a normal life again for the 1st time in 7+ years.


I simply look at my reflection in the mirror after a shower ….lol….but it works for me ….

or I listen to older folks (I’m 51) talk about all their aches n pains n health issues ….and I’m like ….that’s not going to be me at that age ….time to get healthier n take care of this body !!! …


The feeling! I am not sure this is for everyone, but after 30h my hunger completely goes away & enter god mode, the mental clarity is amazing, & it’s coasting from there on. My brain is so different on long fasts, it’s kind of addictive, I have to purposely stop myself at 48h lest I go catabolic, I am a skinny dude. For me the first 24h hours it’s like the first bit uphill on a rollercoaster, feels like it’s dragging , but I know the fun it’s coming…

Also starting after dinner the evening before a busy day helps, you’ll be hitting 30h before you know it. & Salt water, a good sea salt or Himalayan, it really nullifies the little pangs of hunger for me.


Wanting to be healthier and more active. To improve my overall quality of life. Also bc I bought myself tickets to see the band at the top of my concert bucket list and I am determined/motivated to be in better shape for it & not let my weight/size keep me from enjoying it to the fullest!


The obvious answer is health, that’s what we all want… but when im struggling with cravings, I go look at the beautiful dress I bought 4 sizes too small, it’s hanging on my bedroom door so I never forget.


There is a picture of a girl wearing a bikini that I want to fit into as the wallpaper on my phone and every time I pick up my phone I have to see it. So that is one major thing that keeps me motivated


It’s 100% mental, the attitude of “I WILL DO THIS.” The first day is actually the easiest for me, it’s the second day that is harder. Plus, figuring out how to optimally fast <for me> as rolling fasts are difficult but if I extend my eating window in between then I can keep up with doing more fasts.


Healing insulin resistance and my hypoglycemia, mental clarity and productivity, practicing discipline and more time to tune into my spiritual practices, healing my gut. Just beginning a 48hr fast as I type this and I know there will be some hard chunks of time to get through. Checking this sub and watching YouTube videos of other fasters/ medical professionals explain the benefits of fasting helps so much. I’ve also started vlogging my fasts as it’s something that helps fill in the gaps in my day and holds me more accountable


Dx with Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidia, etc (Metabolic disease) in 2008. Never bought the CW of meds->Insulin->amputation->heart attack/stroke->death.

Battled my weight from 265 and A1c of 11, down to 212 and 5.2 with LC/CICO. Went on anti-depressants and went back up to 250. Finally got under 200 in 2020, 185 before the Holidays, with keto and IF. Now back on the diet, and just did my first 48+hr fast (60 hours!). I’m going to beat this thing, or die trying. Literally.


Live a longer, healthier life. Knowing obesity often causes many other ailments makes me want to lead a healthier lifestyle. Want to feel and look like I did in college when I was way less insecure and focused more on living my life. Also don’t want to keep buying new clothes because I can’t fit into my old clothes. What motivates me is saving money on groceries, clothes, demonstrating effort to look good for myself and my SO because they deserve the best.


More than the number on the scale is how I feel.

I love that my jeans (which used to be tight) now feel like sweatpants.
I love that I can hike farther and steeper than just a few months ago.
I love that the aches and pains (that come with eating inflamatory foods) just don’t exist anymore.
I love that I feel so much stronger while doing yoga.
I love that I sincerely do not crave sweets - went to a b’day party over the weekend, had one piece of cake and was completely fine. In the past, that would have triggered a downward spiral.

I feel more calm, confident, and outgoing. I can tolerate stressors better.

Overall, it’s a greater sense of complete health. That feeling alone keeps me on track and moving forward.

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