| | Water Fasting

When will I be ready to take on water fasting?

Hey guys, I’m pretty new to this whole fasting thing. I’ve learned about all the different ways here and there, and right now I’m on day 2 of intermittent fasting (16:8). I wanted to ask how much “practice” should I give my body before I start water fasting? I imagine it would get quite a shock if I just started it tomorrow, as I still have things to eat during my 8-hour eating period. Does anyone have any tips from when you first started your water fasting? I’d love to hear them. I’ve also heard a bit about detoxing, how exactly does that work? I figured I’m supposed to only drink water and take salt, potassium and magnesium. So am I allowed to add some lemon and cucumber to my water? If anyone has some tips and tricks for a beginner, I’d be more than happy to hear. I feel like my body is just full of crap and I want to cleanse it.


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Here is how I do my extended fasts. YMMV

I start with doing strict keto, then carnivore. I wait to begin my fast when I know I am fat adapted. It keeps my hunger down and helps the transition because I am already in strong ketosis.

I then look at my reason for fasting. Am I wanting to lose some weight, wanting to lose some inflammation, or am I wanting to heal? If it is weight loss or inflammation I will allow myself to have coffee and green tea during the fast. If it is for healing I ONLY allow myself water with electrolytes.

Your body will cleanse itself out pretty well by about day 3-5. I like to do long fasts. 2 weeks feels really good for health reasons. Just remember that electrolytes are required…do not skip this. And it’s easier than you think it is.


Many feel any calories of any sort impede the increase in autophagy that fasting brings on. The “purist” model that is supposed to be the most healing only includes non caloric electrolytes, and even some think some electrolytes should be avoided to heal or cleanse bone and cartilage.

But it’s all still evolving science with many opinions.

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Categories: water fasting intermittent fasting tips potassium magnesium extended fast keto ketosis weight loss coffee tea electrolytes calories