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Why do i crave toast?

Hey guys :)

So i have been doing intermitten fasting for over 4 years now, and one thing i never realy understood is:

Why do i crave toast?

As a security guard i do a lot of nightshifts, and usually at around midnight i suddenly start craving toast??

Out of all the things

Not cake, not Spaghetti, just freshly toasted toast without anything on top.

Is there some scientific explanation to this, or do i for some reason just realy like toast?

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Guilty of similar. Taking a minor break from OMADish with an 18:6 day. For some reason had to have Ritz & PB as a snack a few hours after a pretty good Chipotle meal. If you can’t break from routine and recover, then it really isn’t a lifestyle change. I’m counting on an easy recovery.

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