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No requesting or providing advice related to a medical concern such as a disease, condition, pain, diagnosis, procedure, test, recovery, interaction with a health professional, or lab value. Random internet strangers, some of which are kids, are not the ones to address this. Seek a professional instead. No exceptions
No personal situation or diet eval posts
Queries involving personal situations, ANY personal context, or diet evaluations must be submitted to the comments section of the weekly community Personal Nutrition Discussion Post (2nd from the top) rather than as a separate post to the subreddit front page. No exceptions
Users may not word a post to evade violation detection, only to then go into their personal situation in the comments. End run attempts like this will likely result in a ban
From my own personal experience, if you cut out a lot of refined sugars and carbs/processed crap, which is great, dont get me wrong, you could be having some type of withdrawal symptoms while your body adjusts.