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28F, 5'10". CW: 198lbs GW: 150lbs - Need help with routine!

Hello, as the title states, Im 28 and want to begin intermittent fasting. In my early twenties, I was always around 150-165lbs and was generally happy with that weight. Since then I have put on weight and crept up to 198lbs. While I’d say 98% of this is my diet (lots of takeout and salty snacks), I was also diagnosed with endometriosis which causes constant chronic pain and has made exercise difficult to initiate.

I’m looking t start with 16:8 on weekdays only to ease myself into IF, hopefully slowly working towards OMAD. My main concern is, I basically need my coffee in the morning, but I also usually eat late dinners (after 7pm) due to my husband and I’s work schedule.

I know black coffee isn’t considered fast-breaking, but I typically have it with some sort of cream, milk, or whitener (powdered creamer). Will I have to start drinking it black to make this work? I’d definitely prefer not to shift my dinner earlier as I’m usually not settled in for eating until at least 7, and my husband usually isn’t home till after 8pm.

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To keep yourself in ketosis, you will need to learn to drink black coffee. Some will argue fewer than 5 calories won’t kick you out of ketosis during a fast, but that’s a slippery slope into grey areas. One of the benefits of IF is it’s very black and white. No calories out of eating window, black coffee, water, tea. It takes a bit to adjust to it, but part of making positive changes for your future self requires adjustment and the willingness to embrace some discomfort. Also, you could say that you don’t care about the ketosis portion and just want to restrict calories, in that case a teaspoon of heavy cream is minor, but again I find it easier to not go into grey areas.

As for timing, 16:8 is a ratio, it simply means fast for 16 and then eat periodically during the following 8 hours. However you want to shift that is up to you. If you want to eat after 7, maybe set your eating window from 1pm-9pm that just means you don’t eat after 9pm to 1pm the next day.

It’s worth the effort to give it a go. And remember, if you eat out of the window one day or have a few calories early, that doesn’t have to ruin a week or mean you just go ham and forget about not eating for the rest of the day. Big picture, a slip up one day doesn’t matter, spiralling out due to not being perfect this week is what seems to get a lot of people.

Happy fasting!


I drink mine with heavy cream every day. Just no sugar. Doesn’t impact my results. Lots of people drink ‘bulletproof’ coffee which is made w/ butter instead of cream. I tried it but for me it was pretty gross. YMMV :) I’d try it out WITH your coffee and see how it goes. If you’re losing, then it works for you! If not, then maybe cut your coffee consumption and see if that changes things. (1 cup instead of 2, or 1/2 cup instead of 1 cup, etc)


It depends per person. If you’re using IF to cut down calories then a little bit isn’t bad but you won’t really be fasting.

I’d say try it black or try other coffees black. I love red wine so black coffee is tasty to me but it actually has to be flavorful. So they exploring and see what happens


It’s more about what works for you. I drink coffee black, but usually have chamomile tea late at night with a little milk in it. My weight loss has been successfully steady, so I’m not worried about it.

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Categories: intermittent fasting snack pain omad coffee morning dinner ketosis calories a fast eating window tea sugar weight loss