| | Water Fasting

Alcohol + fasting. Serious question.

So at the moment I’m doing a water fast (3-5 days) and then I’ll eat for a few days and hit another fast again (rinse and repeat the process until at my goal weight). If I was, say over 24 hours in (2nd day, 3rd day, 4th day) and I had a shot or 2 of vodka or whiskey (yes I know it technically breaks a fast, YES I know it’s a bad idea) and then continued on the ‘fast’ would this impact the weight I lose on the fast? Again, I know this is not healthy but I’d like to know. Thanks!

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I posted something on here a while ago - it was a photo of my keto strips before, just after and the next morning after going to dinner with the GF and having zero carbs but a few whiskeys for dinner. This was at the end of a 5 day fast, so I was deep into ketosis. Anyway, it had no impact - pissed black all 3 times.


Maybe a shot or two wouldnt be the worst but definitely problematic if it becomes a pattern because alcohol depletes you of critical nutrients like thiamine. Which leads to wernicke’s encephalopathy, beri beri etc.


I’m no expert but in my experience, alcohol while in deep ketosis (pissing dark purple on the strips) is a horrible idea. The alcohol hits 100x harder/faster and it ALWAYS results with the worst migraine of my life. Proceed with caution, friend. YMMV


I drink alcohol about once a week when I go out with friends, I usually find it hits a lot harder as fasting pretty much wipes out your tolerance and cleans your liver (which is a good thing btw) so just pace yourself when you drink and you will be fine.

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Categories: alcohol water fast a fast keto morning dinner zero carb 5 day fast ketosis liver