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Are beans/peas and greek yogurt stopping the ketosis ?

They have low GI and they are way more healthier than bread/rice/potatos but it’s forbidden in a keto diet from what i have learn…

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If beans and peas and Greek yogurt help you stick to your diet, lose weight, eat healthier, etc. you can do that instead of sticking to keto, which is incredibly challenging. But yeah if you insist on keto, you’ll get away with a cup of broccoli or something, but nothing like the foods you mentioned.


You are on a fasting thread not a keto thread. the keto diet mimics fasting.. your body is going to get to ketosis regardless of what you refeed with as long as you fast. I think the complex carbs you mentioned are compatible with your fasting schedule.

Edit typo


Ketosis is a body metabolic mode in which glucose dependent systems switch from glucose or glicogen to keton bodies / ketones for their source of energy. This happens when you go into starvation mode. You stop introducing energy from outside sources like food. You start breaking down your own reserves.

Does beans / peas and Greek yogurt stop ketosis? By the very definition of ketosis - yes. Yes it does.

In practice though it is not a binary state. You can still have ketones present in your blood stream while having regular meals. If those meal dont provide enough calories, body increases its ability to break down reserves and your ketone levels go up.

So your question really boils down to “how much” you eat it. If you eat enough of beans to cover your daily intake, your ketones will drop and you will end ketosis. How much is enough? Its different for everyone. You can take bloodwork test to figure that out of you want.

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