| | Water Fasting

best plan or time to set as a goal?

I’m a 23 year old 5 ft 7 in Carpenter who weighs roughly around 190 lb. I have a pretty broad build coming from my dad’s Scottish side.

I noticed most of my weight is conjugated mainly to my stomach area as my legs, thighs, and arms are pretty toned and leaner on the fat.

Covid really messed up my eating and discipline schedule and I want to give it a good kick in the rear to help me get back into the shape of things.

I’m on My feet every hour of the work day lifting and moving then come home exhausted (average 20,000 steps a day for foot movement alone) so I’m sure I’m putting in a good amount of work out just from my job alone each week. I know I need to stop eating later in the night and constrain when I eat but I’m not sure if I should do the 6 to 8 hour time period. Should I also throw in a light keto diet to go with it or stick with just fastening? What do you guys do for hunger cravings as they are horrendous for me personally.

I’ve always had a mental struggle with my weight despite my entire dad’s side always being on the huskier and heavier side but I’ve always viewed myself as an obese fat loser when I know I’m not nearly as bad off as a lot of people are and I’ve been told I’m in relatively good shape all considering but I’m not sure.

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If your hunger cravings are “horrendous” I would definitely recommend dialing back the carbs, especially anything processed/high-glycemic. The thing that helps me the most with nighttime eating is using a fast timer like Zero. I start my fast when I finish dinner and I know I’m not having anything after that except water or maybe a cup of herbal tea. It also helps to know, the earlier I start my fast, the sooner I get to eat the next day! Some people swear by brushing your teeth right after dinner as well.

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Categories: stomach keto struggle obese carbs a fast dinner tea