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breaking my fast to eat with a friend

i was supposed to do 36 hours but it’s only been 18 hours. but i rarely get invites from friends so im breaking the fast. i feel sad like i’m putting others before myself but i’ll just start again after this meal

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Don’t feel bad, life is in essence relationships.

If you delete all people from the world and only you were left, you’d be the smartest, wealthiest, most popular, most powerful, best looking, strongest, most fashionable and best person on the planet, it’s things like this we think we want and strive for… but it would be pretty meaningless. It is relationships that matter.


That’s why I love fasting because you can break the fast early to take advantage of great opportunities like this–and then just start fasting again after the meal! You made the right choice to meet your friend, then just restart!


Hey just wanted to chime in here. I don’t want you to be me or turn into me. I’ve lost out on so many amazing days because I refused to break my fast. I look back and feel so sad for my life. Yes fasting is important but the amount of days I lost family meals and goodbye dinners is painful.

What am I saying here… it’s absolutely important to stick to your schedule, however, it’s almost important that once in a while you break it ok? If it’s a special dinner. If it’s a goodbye thing. If it’s family visiting. Youll know when it’s ok to break it.

Im currently home seeing mom after losing my dad last April. We had a nice dinner and yummy desserts. Im not gonna sit here and be sad and depressed because its a memory I’ll treasure forever. I don’t care that I broke my fast. In fact, I’ll be breaking it tomorrow as well because I’m home Friday and Saturday. You can always be cautious about what you consume as well. Today, I allowed myself whatever I wanted and I’m ok.

Life is important. Don’t ruin special memories. It’s ok. Truly. It is.

Sending you non guilty thoughts and the power to start over tomorrow! Hugs


Still a good fast, even if it’s not what you planned. Enjoying a meal with a friend is one of the better reasons to break a fast, especially if it doesn’t happen often! Don’t beat yourself up, just start again tomorrow.


Don’t feel bad. A social interaction with a friend that you might not have had in a while could benefit you more than a fast right now. If you’d still like to fast right after you should try to just eat some protein maybe some veggies and little to no carbs.


Please don’t feel that way. I’ve also broke my IF after all year long to eat with my new colleague and my friend here where they’re of great hospitality (I relocate here for my job), then i just resume my fasting next day. If you’re disciplined, you’ll be back on track of what you want to do. Just like i also took a week off IF and CICO for new year, and back on track after that. No worries!


I was pretty strict about my fasting schedule when I started. Then I started to think about those times when I would have to be around friends and family where food is involved. Think about what’s important to you. It’s emotionally a good thing to enjoy a meal with family/friends especially when you don’t see them often. Enjoying the time with people you love I find is more important than fasting for a day. You may never get the chance to have a good meal/spend time with that person again. You can always continue your fast the next day.


I frequently break a fast for social eating, if it’s someone who I want to hang out with it’s worth it to me. Fasting is super flexible, one of the best things about it. Now, that might be different if I was trying to date or network or all that, but I’m married and settled in my career, so unplanned social meals not super common.


My 11 year old son made biscuits over facetime with his grandmother. He was so proud of them. He set the table and served us all one. I told him I would have to wait because I am not in my eating window (it was an hour away). He looked so disappointed… and I thought, what the hell is wrong with me? Breaking my fast is not the big deal I make it out to be just to motivate myself. So I made a big deal about how the biscuits were so irresistible that I would never make it another hour, and dug in with him and my family.

There is always another fast. Not always another chance to make someone feel important… so just remember what truly matters.


Be kind to yourself. 18 hours is an accomplishment and since you’ve already decided to end the fast early there’s no point in beating yourself up for wanting to experience life and live. It’s unfortunate so much of our culture revolves around food, but just relax and have a good time. You can always do a fast. You can’t always see friends. If it helps you feel better maybe you could just eat a smaller quantity while you’re out.


If you appreciate this friend and feel like accepting this invitation is a good idea, how are you putting others before yourself? In my opinion you are simply prioritizing yourself and your friendship. You can always go back to fasting when it suits you. Thats whats great about it.


You’re putting your own desire to socialize above the your current desire to fast, that’s a good thing if meal invites are rare! You’re not putting their needs above your own, you’ve just shifted priority of which of your own needs to focus on

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