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Compliance aside, what routine to drop 30lbs in 30 days 5’7” M SW240 GW180 - details in comments

Edit - details here in body of text (facepalm)

Alright ladies and gentlemen, your local fatty is back for a good slap in the face from reality. Approximately 4 years ago I dropped from 240-194 with a wide variation of fasting and Keto in order to meet height, weight, and body comp standards for my job. Those standards have not gone away, and I passed a fitness assessment by the skin of my teeth back in September. I imagine the body comp standards will be coming back full force shortly, and in addition I made a bet with someone a month ago that I’d be down 30lbs by Feb 1st. As you can see I’m all out of options other than deciding which way I’ll continue to be fat today, and so with my pride checked at the door and realizing I’ve become a lazy slob, what is the routine to dropping 30lbs in 30 days. (I know I didn’t get fat overnight, but this sugar addict is out of slow and steady options and needs an extreme approach) My only caveat is that I will not be able to dry fast while working as it is too risky, I cannot pass out doing my job. For a bit more perspective on my current body composition, I hold a lot of muscle in my legs, sort of like tree trunks, and I have pretty broad shoulders, and the rest of me is gooey in spots. I hold my fatness well so not many people catch on to my actual weight. I’d like to drop a lot before it becomes a career ending problem, and I also don’t want to lose this bet. Please leave your recommendations in the comments. I’ve considered 72s with a super tiny refeed as potentially my best strategy.

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This is probably too extreme a goal without trying to kill yourself. A TDEE of 3500 + complete fasting would result in a lbs of fat loss a day, you can cheat with water weight but i’m guessing that that’s not what you’re going for since you in total are looking to lose 60 lbs and not just 30 for a weigh in.

A 5/2 or 6/1 schedule with an hour of walking a day and keto refeeds would be my recommendation for sustained weight loss while supplementing electrolytes/minerals as required. Good luck, you have a long haul ahead of you.

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