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Consensus on Zero Calorie Sweeteners?

What are your guys’ views on zero calorie sweeteners like those splenda packets you can put in your coffee or in the zero calorie drinks?

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The only negative health effects I can think of is gas caused by overconsumption of alcohol sugars like xylitol found in chewing gum. As far as our pretty extensive knowledge of sweeteners go, they’re one of the more innocent synthetic additions to food


There is some evidence that they might have some minor negative effects on the gut microbiome, but it’s probably much healthier than the massive amounts of sugar.

I personally think that if you are overweight then it’s healthier to use zero-calorie sweeteners. Since the amount of calories is going to have a more negative effect than any sweetner.


Aspartem is considered bad. Avoid. Sucralose is little better than that. Not considered as toxic. Stevia is not toxic but has a bad after taste.Xylitol is neither toxic nor have such bad after taste but very very expensive.


I use Skinny Girl sweeteners and flavors. They may not be the best for me, but they help me stay very lean and healthy, so I think the downsides are better than the downsides if I were to indulge in the regularly sweetened versions and gain weight.


They’re mostly garbage for you.

They’re all just waste products that got snuck under the FDA rug and payed studies. Look no further than Aspartame and their constant fixed studies and political manipulating to get passed. Despite the absolute shit list of negatives proven in buried studies.

However all is not lost. There are some that are either okay, or not as bad.

Stevia, extract of a plant some say it has an odd taste, never had the issue. Be careful the brand you buy doesn’t have 1%stevia and then just 99%Aspartame.

Xylitol, more beneficial for oral health than anything but as far I’ve seen the negative are less common especially in low intake.

Eyrthritol, it’s basically extracted fruit sugar sweetener. Tends to be the best. A stevia and erythritol mix is usually the best tasting.

Monk fruit sweetener, also seems to sit well with many. Skeptical on it myself though as it’s somewhat shilled by FDA.

However if I’m honest in terms of incorporating sweetness into our diet, using honey, organic cane sugar, etc isn’t actually all that bad. But if your diet is heavy on sugar and oxidised fat, etc … that’s the issue.So if its something you want for adding sweetness to tea or coffee, half a teaspoon of honey is 20calories (which is nothing) and still sweetens it nicely.

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