| | Water Fasting

Day 9: OMAD + keto. I’m always hungry!! (SW=291lbs, CW=280lbs)

I eat my meal after work, at around 6 or 7pm. Wife keeps telling me that I’ll never feel full unless I have SOME carbs and sugar. So I cheat. Yesterday after my keto meal I ate 2 oranges, but was immediately still hungry. So I had a bowl of cereal (honey bunches of oats) with 10% cream. Still hungry and I continue to feel hungry until I go to bed. The day before, I had a big spoon of rice with my beef meal and a couple of fruit yougurt cups. My obesity problem has always been because of overeating. For 20 years I always ate until my tummy hurt. Is there anything I can take or eat or do to suppress my appetite?

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As someone who struggled with weight loss for years and who was at my heaviest 300+ lbs I will share a few of my observations and learnings. 47M, T2, VSG 3Y post-op, Started IF 09/22, SW 252, CW 242, GW 220. Doing 4 Days 20:4 mixed with 3 days OMAD. Combination of Low Carb / Keto. My weight has yo-yo’d for years, heaviest 360 lowest 231. Its been a hell of a journey.

1 - I did not gain weight overnight and I won’t loose it overnight. Those of us in this race call it a marathon cause you need to be in it for the long haul. You can see from my current run, 3 months in and only 10 lbs. BUT my a1c is incredibly under control, I feel great, BP is doing good, mental focus and clarity is so much better. I feel confident the IF and low carb / Keto life style are working for me.

2 - Carbohydrates are a hell of a drug. Carb addiction is a real thing. Giving up smoking was easier than giving up carbs for me. It took many bumps, scrapes, arguments, and self-esteem hits to realize I was an addict. Learn to live with low / no carbs, don’t make it a staple part of your day. My carb detox took me almost 6 months to a year. Today like Decter, it’s my passenger, it rides with me all the time. Special occasions and small amounts in moderation are ok. Keep track of your daily carbs and try to stay well below that number. I introduced more good protein and healthy fats and cut back on carbs, this helped with my hunger alot. A table spoon of Peanut or almond butter are my go to hits when I am not fasting but have cravings.

3 - Opinions are like *holes everyone has one - including friends and family and crazy people on reddit. You do You and listen to your body and your medical team. In my marathon I have lost or left behind friends and family who just don’t, understand or don’t want to deal with my struggles around weight loss, food addiction or food depression. And its ok - those family and friends I can educate make me stronger and build my resolve, those that I can’t, I hear them and move on.

  1. Calories in Calories out - I had to keep my calorie intake low. As a person with a home office desk job, I sit on my ass most of the day. I needed to drop my calories and bump up my activities to burn past my sugar store and see fat burning happen. Trying to walk my dog on longer walks and do more walking in general. TLDR - If you’re not gonna workout at least be somewhat active with walking and being out and about.

  2. Sticking with IF helped me the most. I WAS HUNGRY, but it got better over time. Again thinking of it like a runner, I expect my legs will hurt - but over time i will buld up endurance and run longer and harder. The hunger got better for me over time. First month or two was a struggle.

Don’t doubt yourself, listen to your body and Medical team. STAY Hydrated and be patient with your spirit, body and family. You’re in this for the long haul.

Beat of luck.


Right now I’m reading How Not to Diet, book that gives a pretty solid explanation as to why keto can be bad, and why fasting can be good. You may want to go read the relevant stuff.

My one takeaway was that it doesn’t really matter what fasting method you choose, whichever works for you is the best method, but…eating at night is detrimental. Which makes sense. During the day if you eat you’re also moving, burning calories. I’m doing eating between 9-5, and I’m feeling good. Hunger? Yeah, sometimes, but it’s manageable. I just drink water and I feel better.

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