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Does anyone else love cooking while they fast?

I’ve been having a lot of enjoyment during this 5-day fast cooking for my partner. I feel like my culinary ideas are more fresh and I get so much more enjoyment out of prepping the meals than usual.

Does anyone else do this?

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My kids eat like kings when I’m fasting, I’m baking homemade snacks and making multi-course meals and shit 😂

But the real pull is recipe videos. I’ve been on a crockpot casserole kick lately and I have more recipes saved than eating days available to make them.


120hr fasts per week paired with OMAD. I’ve got organic marmalade and chicken (? I found some necks in the freezer that might be duck and threw those in with a roast chicken carcass) stock simmering on the stove. I just pulled out a few pounds of duck and goose liver from the freezer to make pâté. I have grassfed delmonicos thawing to season and dry age for our pre-valentines day celebratory dinner. I’ve got grassfed oxtails thawing in the fridge to go in the crockpot. I’m packing lunch for my 2nd shift working honey every day… And finally I’m going to make a green pepper curry tonight for his dinner.

I am a cooking machine!


I do this too! I get very creative, look for new things/dishes to cook and I seem to smell things better too (🤷‍♀️). And when I cook things I really want to try too, I dish up a small portion for me and freeze it for when I’m not fasting (I have half a drawer full in the freezer of things ‘for later’). It helps me mentally to do it. But yes! I love cooking while fasting!

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Categories: snack shit omad chicken liver dinner lunch