| | Water Fasting

Fasters - Alcohol! (F30) SW: 192 CW: 179 GW: 165

How much did cutting out alcohol help your progress? I regularly fast 18:6 or 20:4 - After losing 15lbs I plateaued and didn’t fast consistently, however my caloric intake was still 1200-1500, and meals were always late in the day. (I was probably utilizing 16:8 and that helped me maintain the loss.) I usually have dry wine or clear liquor (vodka/la croix) as my beverage of choice, no excess sugar or beer. But after starting up again with 20:4 I wondered if cutting booze would help me reach a goal of losing another 15.

Edits for context.

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I gave up alcohol during lockdown. It’s the single best thing I’ve done for my health and fitness. The biggest improvement was to my sleep. Better sleep had a positive impact on every single part of my life.


I find I really struggle to lose when I drink even very moderately. It’s a real bummer because I enjoy drinking. I can maintain okay as long as I keep to my eating window and don’t go to wild with the booze.


I decided to go sober last August and have been since, I’ll still drink my non alcoholic beers though but only once a week at family dinner and I’ll usually have two at the most. O’Douls, Weisbier Erdinger, maybe Heineken 0.0. Im sure cutting out alcohol will help manage water retention issues and bloating. Beer is carbs too so, sugars.


I find it very hard, if not impossible, to lose weight while drinking with any kind of regularity. I only do it once every couple of months now. It’s really not compatible with weight loss or a healthy lifestyle.


I’m off the sauce for 90 days and I definitely see an improvement in weight loss. Just tried a “gin” and tonic with Abstinence brand non alcoholic substitute, which was pretty tasty, and a whiskey sour with Ritual brand “whiskey”. They helped scratch the itch 🥃

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