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Fat distribution and dry fasting

Hi everyone!

They say that you can not target specific areas of the body to lose fat and also that you are born with a certain body fat distribution, so it is genetically determined and therefore can not be changed.

So there are different body types, I have the body type between ectormorph and mesomorph, more likely even just ectormorph. When I’ m in my normal, lean state, I have absolutely no curves. If I gain a little weight, I get small breasts, but my butt stays flat. But if I gain even more weight, I get bigger breasts and a lot of fat on my back and waist, as well as my hips. But my butt still stays flat! I found out through some internet research that this is an “android” fat distribution. For my mother, it’s the same way. For my grandmother on my father’s side, too. This means that I have inherited this fat distribution from both sides.

Now I ask myself why it is like that. At some point I heard that it has probably developed evolutionarily in such a way so that people living in colder regions have this type of fat distribution for better protection of their internal organs, while southern peoples have a more balanced fat distribution.

Then again, insulin resistance, for example, can cause people to gain enormous amounts of fat specifically on the abdomen, and it is often said that this is a pathological fat distribution.

If it is a pathological fat distribution and one can store fat specifically in certain places through insulin resstency, is it not possible that one can burn fat specifically in certain regions through dry fasting? For example, if I dry fast and use hula hoop.

And if it really is a “pathological” fat distribution, isn’t it possible to correct it by fasting?

And another question: I read by Filonov that the fat cells are destroyed during dry fasting, which is not the case with diets, for example. Are there actually clinical studies for this? And if the body really destroys fat cells during dry fasting, I wonder where it starts.

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all of that is complete bullshit

The only thing you’ve inherited is shit food habits

You get more internal fat because you are increasingly insulin resistant yet you still scarf down sugar, pasta, bread, alcohol and the like. The closer to the pancreas you are = the more insulin is in the blood = the easier you reach the required insulin levels to store fat.

I used to have a bunch of internal torso fat too. Then I started fasting and 5000 hours later all of my fat is outside of the top muscle and spread out over all the body. My insulin resistance is gone and the fat can be stored all over again. Its especially noticeable on my hands, calves, and feet as I have more fat there than I ever have had. Got it confirmed by an MRI of the torso too.

You cant point burn fat. But you can change your sensitivity to the insulin hormone and that will change how fat is stored. If you think thats wrong then find the closest diabetic and ask why they got a fat pocket where they inject their insulin.

If you want a bigger butt then heavy lifting olympic squats are the way to go. Its easy, fast, safe, and works on everyone.

If you want to read more about autophagy and cell destruction through fasting then look up Dr. Valter longo and Dr Rhonda patrick.

The answer is that the weakest least functional cell dies first.


Yeah I have similar questions myself. Not about fat distribution but about dryfasting with respect to dr filonov.

I dry fast 2 sometimes 3 days a week 48 or 72 hours straight. And I lose around 8lbs. But even with keto refeeds and intermittent fasting I put most of it back on.

Anna in one her videos about dr filonov mentions dryfasting will reveal your body’s “true weight” because after you do extended dry fasts and lose a lot of weight and feel/look better your body will get to a point where it will just stop losing. It makes a lot of sense. Dry fasting is the most ‘extreme’ version of fasting so if the scale stops moving after a few months I think you have reached the weight your supposed to be. A lot of people may disagree but I think theirs a lot of truth to it. Obviously if your dryfasting and still 80lbs overweight your refeeds are terrible. For instance I’m 6’3 208lbs. My goal is 190lbs but after a 72 hour dryfast I get to about 202lbs. I know water weight aside it’s still pretty frustrating. Maybe a extended fast is in my future.

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