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Fell off the wagon for a month. Need some motivation. Help!

Hey all,

I’ve lost 40 lbs over 1.5 years on IF 18:6 and OMAD and it’s been a long, hard and rewarding process with several tough plateaus.

I’m now 15 lbs away from my goal (pre-depression weight) but I fell off the wagon for most of August due to a very tough work schedule. I was still doing 16:8 most days but eating more carbs than usual, stopped my workouts and indulged in some unhealthier foods on weekends.

As a result, the numbers on the scale crept up a bit 🤬

I need to get back to very clean eating and fasting but feeling demotivated. Any similar experiences or words of wisdom to share? Thanks in advance 🙌🏼

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Honestly? This doesn’t sound so bad at all. If you fell off the wagon for most of 2022… That’s probably not so great! But under a month is very fixable.

this is probably assuming too much on my part, or maybe projecting, but when things are going really hard in my life my tendency is to comfort eat. Which of course raises my weight which of course makes me feel bad and makes my life harder. Breaking that cycle is not easy, but it can totally be done.


Don’t punish yourself for adapting to life stress. Picture yourself where you want to be, goal weight wise, and let that guide you. Give yourself a time frame to hit your goal. We still have 4 months of the year left. You have time! Good luck!


I had this happen and dropped off for almost a year! I kept saying: I will start tomorrow what’s on more day? Finally back on track and so happy I did. I committed to keto for one weekend and then was able to start fasting again. 5 weeks later and I’m back to where I was and on track (lost 16 lbs). Good luck!


Don’t blame your work schedule. You’ll be more successful long term if you just admit you made 30 days of poor choices. No matter the situation, you always control what you put in your mouth. As for getting back in a groove just do your best every day. I usually can’t flip a switch so it may take some days to get back there. But you can build on each day’s success even if you don’t eat perfectly. You know what to do. You’re in control. Just start doing it and you’ll get back in the groove.

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